part 14-Blood bath

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I stuttered the words while having to choke back my anger and disappointment

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I stuttered the words while having to choke back my anger and disappointment. She had spun around and hissed at me, fleeing quickly without a backwards glance. I crept from my not so secret hiding place to get to where Cassie was. There i see her mother. Her head detached from her neck, her face sliced open almost unrecognizable, the distorted state of her own mother scared me. If she could mangle her mom's limbs, what else was she capable of?

I zipped up the body back into the bag. I buried it in a place where I could easily find it but Cassie couldn't. I went to the nearest lake to wash my hands and head into school. Late was better than nothing right?

I got to school and walked around to find out i had a free period, meaning so did everyone else. I headed up to the library to talk to them. I walked in through the doors and every whispered converation stopped. It was quiet before but such an eerie silence affected me. Before they could do anything i rushed up to their table and began.

"Guys i need your help-" i said urgently

"And why would we help you Theo" liam spat back. He began to roll his shoulders back and get up in my face. His eyes glowing a yellow colour uncontrollably.

"I wouldnt do that if i were you puppy" i whispered to him, then i turned to Scott  "Scott control your beta" i snapped.
Scott did infact pull liam away before he could do harm but he shrugged him off and stormed out with an angry Mason following him.

"We arent going to help you Theo, we dont kill, you almost broke that rule. Not only that but it was our friend. One of us. Thats not okay" Scott cut in, in a monotone voice. He would never show any emotion when he spoke orders, it was rather fascinating. Although i could tell he was clearly distraught and unaware of what to do.

He turned his back to me to signal he wasnt interested. I didnt listen.

"Its cassie! I think shes breaking that rule too, shes not herself. Shes missing" i shouted.

That got their attention but not in the way i had hoped.

Malia began to growl," Scott do you want me to get rid of him now?"

"What? Guys Cassie is in danger why arent you listening to me!"

"You're a Liar Theo, nothing good ever comes out of your mouth. You always want something out of it. We can not trust you, especially if you were willing to Kill an innocent boy who had a sister to take care of" Scott yelled.

"But i never lie when it comes to Cassie! Check my heartbeat. No falter. I need to Know shes okay even if she hates me. Please. At least let me prove it" i screamed, i was running out of options and time.

"Look Theo, Lydia gets back today, let us make her comfortable then you prove it. But i swear if youre lying. We want you out of Beacon hills, for good"

I nod and storm out.

I head home and shower with an unclear state of mind, everything feels so fuzzy and distant. Its almost as if ive pushed myself to exhaustion. I didnt care, anything to see my Cass again. I can't believe I was so driven by power that I didn't even stop to think. I hadn't even realised that I was in love with her. I didn't want a power hungry pack anymore, I just wanted her.


I meet Scott and Stiles by Deaton's Vets. Scott flashes his red eyes at me and lets out a low growl to remind me of my place. I nod and lead him into the forest on the edge of Beacon Hills.

After we had been walking for a while Liam and Malia find us and join us. Kira is tending to Lydia so the group is low on numbers but we should be strong enough to take on one Cassie, right?

Soon we near where i first saw Cassie. Immediately i see everyone's faces grimace and Scott holding his arm out to stop us from walking. When everyone is still, he begins to sniff around the air finding a set direction to follow.

"You smell it too... dont you?" I said breathing a sigh of relief. They must believe me now.

"Yes" Scott uttered, "lets continue this way"

We follow his orders but i got tired and inpatient it was getting dark and cold. Perfect opportunity for Cassie's condition to worsen. I couldnt let that happen.

I take the lead despite the groups disapproving looks.

"Look i know what i need to show you, i fear that her first victim is burried just here. Please trust me" i whispered

Scott nodded and turned to the others as if telling them to go with it. I find where i put her mom's body. I begin to dig frantically with my claws, Malia and Liam begin to help too. Something seems wrong. The smell is weak, i only smell old blood but not the decaying body anymore.

Minutes of digging later and we find an empty body bag. At this discovery i bite my tongue. Malia and Liam stand up towering over me again glaring. I cowered apologetically, sighing.

"I know it looks bad but i didnt lie, she must have moved it. Clearly something happened, theres an empty body bag with blood on it. Thats not normal and my gut is telling me to keep going and im going to with or without you!" I shouted angrily at the fact that i was no closer to finding Cassie.

For the first time since i showed my face in the Library, Scott was smiling at me.

"In any other situation i would turn my back on you Theo but i admire the strength you have and what youre willing to do for Cassie. I can see that you care so much. We have come to care for her too so I will continue to follow you wherever you believe we need to be" he says in an affirming voice.

I nod in appreciation as Scotts words seemed to had gotten through to the others. I scan over the faces of the others, malia's features stiffen, Liam however turns softer as though he notices the emotional strain ive been feeling. If that is true, i would never forget it.

Minutes later, i was dragging my feet in exhaustion and i was ready to give up and admit that i was wrong and that perhaps i really couldnt save her. I turn around to face them stopping them in their tracks.

"Guys ill pack my bags and be gone by the late morning. Im sorry for dragging you into this and i suppose i owe you and i-"

"Theo shh" Malia hissed cutting me off

I raised my eyebrows in confusion as i noticed their faces changing into horror. Shock. Fear.

"Theo look"  liam whispers softly. He pulls a sympathetic face before backing away a little.

I slowly turned my head in the direction that everyone was gesturing at and gasped.

What had she done.

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