dragons oneshot part 1/??

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Oneshot for sdelano20 with their character aylia.

Can you do a oneshot of illusion shooting down Aylia a dragon hybrid girl taking away her leg and fall in love with her

I made Illusion and Aylia adults because it made it easier as well as Illusion is the adopted daughter of velocity,and she's Still a Demon.

Illusions Pov:

I trecked through the foliage of the nearby forest.

There was reports of dragons in the woods.

They had been attacking my village for years.

They destroyed house's, animals and people.

My parents velocity and windsheer had taken me in after my house was destroyed by dragons.

They had killed my family and Burt the house to ashes.

Velocity came in the house and found me in the crib.

Thankfully still alive.

I twitched my tail in frustration.

I had been tracking this one particular Dragon.

They had dark purple scales and bright blue eyes.

She also has a pair of massive wings and only two legs.

I followed with my dagger.

I was following it and I was going to get revenge.

I soon arrived at a cleaning that went into somesort of ravine like hole.

In the hole was a lake and a tree.

And there I saw it.

The dragon.

Their dark purple scales stood out in the clearing.

I watched them.

Even if they had destroyed villages she was a stunning dragon.

I crept closer to hopefully get a closer look of the dragon.

Aylias Pov:

I had flown into a clearing,the village I had attacked fought back well.

They had left me with a few scratches and bruises but nothing major.

I transgorm into my human version and walked over to where the water was to clean off.

Illusions Pov:

I watched the dragon until it started to glow,the glow was bright so I shielded my eyes.

And then what was in her place was a girl.

I was confused but she was quite stunning.

Her hair looked long and soft.

Her eyes looked like pools of the lakes near my house or many saphires.

I went closer and I felt a rock fall.

I tried to grab it but it was already to late.

The dragon saw me.

I gulped as the piercing blue eyes looked through me.

'oh no'I thought.

Aylias Pov:

I turned to where the sound of a rock falling came from.

Right where it came from was a very pale ivory girl with long black horns,hooves and a red tail.

I Growled,she's probably here to hurt me.

An: sorry this is being split up into two parts,I thought it would be a bit easier and would help alot better.

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