heather x Illusion x aylia

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An: aylia belongs to my friend sdelano20

Illusions Pov:

I smiled as I saw aylia.

Heather was next to me.

"Ayli"I said pouncing on her"want to race"

"I'm up for it"heather smiled.

"Ok"Aylia smiled.

I got on my razorwhip as did heather on to her's.

Aylia got onto her Skrill.

"Ready"I yelled.

My two lovers nodded.

"Go"I yelled as we took off flying.

Aylia was in the lead but I did over take her a few times.

"Let's go windy"I said to my razorwhip as we kept flying.

Heather over took her as aylia mocked gasped.

"Hey"aylia yelled giggling.

I flew past her but aylia caught up.

"There's the finish line"I yelled "faster windy"

I giggled as aylia barreled past us.

She landed and yelled in victory.

"I win"

Heather and me landed as we laughed.

"That was fun"Heather smiled.

"Yeah"I smiled.

We all Giggled and smiled as we went back to our hut to cuddle and talk.

It was a pleasant night as we ate and cuddled and drifted off to sleep.

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