Sneaking out

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An:here it is finally sorry it took awhile,we are starting to get our UK heatwaves and I am boiling 😅,but its finally here

Request from my Friend sdelano20 :)

Glimmers Pov:

I was bored.

I was pregnant with thunder Shadows baby and I was happy,but thunder had put me on bed rest.

It was Boring.

I huffed as I read one of my books but I sighed.

I wanted a mission.

I thought for a second.

Bow and adora were going on a mission today.

I would follow them and join them.

I waited for thunder Shadow to fall asleep then I snuck out.

I followed adora and bow and joined them.

"What's going on"I asked.

"Horde activity"Adora said looking around.

I nodded,I know I was pregnant but I missed this.

I followed Adora as we looked around the horde base.

It was a large one but it was easy to navigate.

I kept looking around and then I saw it.

The tech.

It was a device that you could hold with a circle with red horns and a twisted smile.(Cough Illusion reference cough)

I smiled and went to pick it up.

When I felt someone behind me.

"Adora is that you"I said.

"How did you sneak out"

I froze.

"Thunder"I said turning around.

There she was.

She looked grumpy,sad and angry all at once.

"Oh hi"I said nervously.

"you snuck out"She said.

"Yes"I said.

She dragged me out as we wrapped up the mission back to bright moon.

"I'm so sorry I snuck out"I said to thunder shadow.

She huffed and pulled me Into bed cuddling me.

"Just please don't do it again,I want to keep you and our baby safe"She said smiling.

"I know"I smiled as I fell to sleep cuddling her.

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