Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

The year 2019 in the city of Philadelphia, an Idiotic man named Tyrone can be seen driving in a
old beat up trunk to a local gas station with an ATM as he steps outside walking to the back of the truck taking out a rope as he ties it to the ATM but while he does that the manager can be seen walking outside looking seriously pissed off
The Manager :"Hey yo what the fuck you doing man?"
Tyrone :"Im fixing your ATM machine bruh"
The Manager :"if you don't seriously stop what you're doing I'm calling the cops"
Tyrone : "but I'm just fixing the fucking ATM machine "
The Manager : "Okay then would you care to explain what's wrong with it then?"
Tyrone :"Ye so basically i came here last week and i tried pressing buttons on the machine right to get the money that comes out of it so i figured today when i randomly drove here in the truck, that I stole the other day to come and slightly move this a little since its broken"
The manager :"i didn't need to hear any or all of that"
Tyrone :"bitch you just asked you be smoking that serious pack"
A cop car pulls up to the gas station as he steps outside his vehicle slamming the door close and he walks up to Tyrone and the Manager
The cop : "Are you seriously doing this shit again?"
The manager : "again?"
The cop : "yeah he does this dumb shit all the time just last week he walked into a bakery trying to steal beard and had a fight about the gluten inside of the bread"
Tyrone : "he didn't want to take out the  gluten so i took his cash register it really is simple"
The manager : "aren't you going to arrest him or something?"
The cop : "sir i alone have arrested this man three times this week no matter what or who we just can't really contain him"
Tyrone "I'm like one of those anime fuckers"
The cop sighs
The cop : "look can you at least get inside the back of the car"
Tyrone : "nah that shit is uncomfortable"
The cop begins to call back up on this  radio as the manager gets tired of the situation and goes back inside
Tyrone : "shiit can i borrow that I want to order some subway"
A swarm of cop cars start pulling up with a bunch of cops pointing guns at Tyrone
Tyrone : "damn where are those Black lives matter movement people when you need them"
They begin to fire at him shooting him killing him in the process

A year rolls by as 2020 becomes out of the worst years to date with a worldwide pandemic as scientists all throughout the world are trying to come up with a cure but in a secret laboratory in Mississippi they can be seen experimenting on Tyrone's corpse injecting a blue serum into his body as he can be seen yelling in pain as he comes back to life
Tyrone :"I'm going to need some serious Tylenol for this"
The scientists see him and start  evacuating and screaming as hes confused to it but he stands up and walks out of a door as a SWAT team is waiting for him there
Tyrone :"bitch what the fuck happened did i get really high again or something?"
One of the guys in the SWAT team takes a gun out and fires at him while he sits there clueless
Tyrone :"Is that one of those Nerf guns or do you just shoot like a bitch?"
One the SWAT guys :"my god not even  bullets hurt him"
Tyrone : "woah am i like a superhero now?"
He then walks away from the SWAT guys as he walks to a elevator with a camera in it
Tyrone :"where the actual fuck did i wake up"
He looks at his hand as he notices his skin is starting to peel off looking at it like he has some kind of idea as he walks out of the elevator being nothing but a skeleton but as he walked out another SWAT one is standing in front of him with rocket launchers
Tyrone :"the uh black ass nigga your looking for went that way"
As he points down a hallway on his left side
Tyrone : "as you motherfuckers can see I'm white now if you excuse me i have some cheese to eat"
They begin firing at him as he runs away forgetting nothing really is going to happen to him but he runs to a door that says exit and stands there trying to read it
Tyrone :"ah who cares a door is a door"
He then opens it and escapes the  laboratory and after that nobody saw him again after that
                The year 4045
After living for 2023 years Tyrone is now in Jail for trying to sell drugs to a furry outside a convenience store and we now continue to our story
A loud siren can be heard signalling the inmates to eat, Tyrone goes to sit on a chair in his cell bored out if his mind holding a picture of a women with the words “Mom” written on it as the ship  carrying Gage Jesse and Pablo begins to enter the prison but that's another story for another time

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