Chapter 9

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Chapter 9
The rocket that Jesse and Tyrone are crammed inside of soars through space, as Tyrone looks at the ceiling while Jesse is leaned back against the wall with her arms crossed
Tyrone - "bruh when the fuck are we landing? this shit feels like we've been inside of this shit for days"
Jesse - "it's only been an hour.."
Tyrone - "don't feel like no hour feels like a fucking "in-ters-ah-de"
Jesse - "ye mean an eternity?"
Tyrone - "that's what I just said?"
Jesse - "jesus and I thought I had problems with saying words with my accent"
Tyrone - "I can say words just fine"
Jesse sighs
Jesse - "aye sure eejit"
The rocket begins trembling as Jesse and Tyrone start to feel the jittering from rocket
Tyrone - "bruh what the fuck is that?"
Jesse - "shit..shit...shit that doesn't feel right"
Jesse in a panic starts searching around in the cramped space looking for a window with none being in sight
Jesse - "damn it!"
Jesse and Tyrone both look at each as suddenly they both feel a quake followed with a loud bang coming from outside the rocket as the door to the rocket falls off and lands on the ground, as Jesse has a speechless and flabbergasted look on her face with Tyrone just stands there looking puzzled
Tyrone - "the door fell off"
Jesse - "no shit.."
Jesse and Tyrone step out of the rocket as they land inside Baldwin NY with the whole area being barren wasteland with nothing but a long dirt roadway path
Tyrone - "damn wow there's like nothing"
Jesse - "I'm not even sure where we are"
Tyrone stomps his foot on the ground
Jesse - "what in the hell are you doing?"
Tyrone - "bruh I'm checking the dirt"
Jesse stands still with a blank stare
Jesse - "why are you checking the dirt?"
Tyrone - "because I'm seeing if there's plants"
Jesse - "wait a second plants what?"
Tyrone - "because only Earth has plants"
Jesse - "what does Plants and Earth have anything to do with this?"
Tyrone - "bruh because I put the "Cun-wha-dinates" for Earth obviously"
Jesse tries to keep her composure as she angrily squints one eye
Jesse - "you mean coordinates do you?"
Tyrone - "ye"
Jesse - "So we're on earth right now?"
Tyrone - "ye"
Jesse just sighs as Tyrone begins walking down the long dirt roadway
Jesse - "hey wait up!"
Jesse hurries behind Tyrone walking in front of him blocking his way as he stops and faces her
Jesse - "where are you doing?"
Tyrone - "I'm walking?"
Jesse - "I can see that but where?"
Tyrone - "the fuck do you want to do stay here? No thanks I'm at least going to see where this leads"
Tyrone walks past Jesse continuing down the path
Jesse - "you realize we're fugitives right? We can't just mindlessly stumble around like a bunch of eejit roosters with no heads"
Tyrone - "hey bruh no offense but I think I know a little more being a fugitive since I don't have enough fingers to count how many years I've lived as one"
Jesse - "well I've been a fugitive since I was eight years old"
Tyrone - "Wait, how old are you?"
Jesse - "I'm eighteen.."
Tyrone - "oh I think I have how old I am somewhere"
Jesse - "you don't remember how old you are?"
Tyrone opens his jaw and pulls out a frog coin purse that kind of resembles a stuffed animal in appearance, the fabric looks very worn out with the color looking faded, as the two googly eyes are noticeably glued on, as the word "Tay" is marked on its belly in black ink, Tyrone pulls his hand Inside of its mouth
Tyrone - "it should be in here somewhere"
Jesse - "a scabby frog stuffed animal?"
Tyrone turns to Jesse with his face becoming blank and vacant
Tyrone - "bruh..Tay isn't a stuffed animal he's a wallet first of all and he is a real nigga.."
Jesse - "woah..okay..okay sorry"
Tyrone pulls out a old worn out ID card and hands it to Jesse as Jesse takes it as her eyes widen as she reads it, as it reads
ID - "1851121977120251815145"
Full Name - "Tyrone R. Johnson"
Address - "......shows nothing" Philadelphia, PA 19102
Date Of Birth - "10/14/1999"
Gender - "M"
Expiration Date - "08/20/20"
Jesse - "..wait this is a joke right it says you were born in 1999.."
Tyrone - "nope that's real"
Jesse - "...I'm not the best at math like maybe..I'm wrong but that would make you just about two thousand and twenty five years old and I thought just a hundred years was much..."
Tyrone - "I stopped keeping count at hundred because thats how far I can count"
Jesse - "Jesus Christ okay that's a lot to take in.."
Jesse hands Tyrone his ID card back as he puts it inside Tays mouth, as he opens his jaw and puts it inside, as Jesse watches with a curious look on her face as they continue down the path which Tyrone noticing her expression
Tyrone - "you want to ask me something?"
Jesse - "So where does it go?"
Tyrone - "Inside my head"
Jesse - "so it's completely hollow?"
Tyrone - "hollow?"
Jesse - "you know empty"
Tyrone - "bruh are you calling me stupid?"
Jesse with a irritated look on her face
Jesse - "no no I meant like.."
Tyrone - "it's alright I get it you aren't the first to call me stupid"
Jesse sighs
Jesse - "okay let me word it this way. My head has blood and a brain and all that funky junk right? My question is do you not have that"
Tyrone - "No I'm just bone"
Jesse - "so then how do know"
Tyrone "do what?"
Jesse - "eat?"
Tyrone - "I do eat but I won't starve or feel hungry if I don't"
Jesse - "you can't starve so you can't feel anything?"
Tyrone - "like you said I've been like this for a very long time. I might not need to use big words but if there's one thing I do it's how my body works"
Jesse - "so you can't?"
Tyrone - "I can't starve but I can eat. I don't need oxygen but I can breathe air. I can't drown or feel to answer your question I don't need what normal humans need"
Jesse - "so you're immortal"
Tyrone - "Like Deadpool?"
Jesse - "What's Deadpool?"
Tyrone - "bruh what you don't know?"
Jesse - "no?"
Tyrone - "he is a nigga who can't die because he can just grow back his limbs but.."
Jesse - "hmm?"
Tyrone - "that's nothing like me the..more I think about it I'm actually more like Luke Cage"
Jesse has a puzzled look on her face
Jesse - "and that is?"
Tyrone sighs
Tyrone - "he's a nigga who has indestructible skin and thats kinda what I have"
Jesse - "but you're nothing but bones right? Like you said you don't have any skin"
Tyrone - "well that's true but I do have indestructible bones which means nothing can kill or hurt me and that means I can't die"
Jesse smiles to herself
Jesse - "you know I'll kill to be you if I'm being honest. Not having the fear of dying would make my life so much easier"
Tyrone - "you don't want what I'm cursed with"
Jesse - "why's that?"
Tyrone - "..
because I have to deal with knowing everyone I love or care for will..die and..I'll still be here..but it's not that deep I'll be okay it's not like I have a choice"
Jesse stops and places her hand on Tyrone's Shoulder as he stops and faces her
Jesse - "woah I never took you for the deep speech kind of bloke"
Tyrone - "well you can learn a lot about a person if you pay attention"
Jesse playfully hits his shoulder trying to keep her composure with Tyrone's story noticeably making her lose her composure
Jesse - "let's just keep go going"
Jesse sniffles as Tyrone turns to her
Tyrone - "bruh you good?"
Jesse rubs her face with her hand maintaining her composure
Jesse - "I'm fine!"
Tyrone - "damn okay I was only checking shit"
Jesse and Tyrone continue walking down the path they continue down for a mile as Jesse begins to grow tired and has a noticeable harder time keeping up with Tyrone with her standing still, as Tyrone notices looking back at her
Tyrone - "you alright?"
Jesse gasps for air panting heavily
Jesse - ".....I'm just tired and I think we should rest...."
Jesse collapses due to extreme exhaustion and dehydration as Tyrone walks over to her lifting her unconscious body and putting it over his shoulder as he continues down the path walking for 12.9 miles (20.761 kilo) which takes four hours as Tyrone stops where the dirt roadway bleeds into a asphalt concrete highway with the area having noticeably more vegetation, as Tyrone looks to his right where he sees a sign that says "Welcome to Queens New York"
Tyrone - "hey I think you might wanna look at this"
Tyrone pulls Jesse down as she wakes up rubbing her eyes letting out a slight yawn
Tyrone - "you okay?"
Jesse - "what happened?"
Tyrone - "you passed out so I carried you"
Jesse - "where are we?"
Tyrone says nothing as he awkwardly points at the sign turning away from the words as Jesse's eyes widen
Jesse - "I'm back in New York...."
Tyrone - "Back? bruh the fuck do you mean back?"
Jesse's face turns pale as she places two fingers on her forehead
Jesse - "I really don't want to come back here..."
The sound of Jesse's stomach growls, as she stands still trying to keep her him composure with a noticeable flustered face, as Tyrone notices coming up with an idea
Tyrone - "why don't we grab you something to eat then think about what we do next?"
Jesse - "sounds good.."
Tyrone - "let's keep going then"
Jesse and Tyrone enter Queens and begin walking down the highway as it's noticeably vacant
Tyrone - "you know I remember when New York was the most popular city in the world"
Jesse - "Second since London has more people"
Tyrone - "wait really?"
Jesse - "I think but I wouldn't know since I've never been to London before in my life"
Tyrone - "I went only once"
Jesse - "Wait, you went to London?"
Tyrone - "yeah just let me remember and I'll tell you the story"
Jesse - "yes do tell"
Tyrone - "after the Ukraine stuff with Russia shit got crazy quickly. So at this time I'm still living in America still hiding out because of some bullshit. I was hiding in Maine to be exact a friend of mine who is gone now. he was a smart young white guy kinda like that Blonde fuck boy you carried on the ship with us...*
Jesse - "just continue the story!!"
Tyrone - "since he told me that technically you can get to Europe through the water I did so I jumped in the Labrador Sea and became a skeleton submarine all the way to Ireland and that's how I got suck in Europe for seventeen years"
Jesse - "seventeen?!"
Tyrone - "ye"
Jesse - "that's absolutely mental"
Tyrone notices a restaurant sign that says "nous sommes racistes"
Tyrone - "racis-tes that must be the favor of the food"
Jesse just stands there giving Tyrone a blank stare
Jesse - "no thats not wha-"
Tyrone cuts her off
Tyrone - "let's try that!"
Jesse with a disappointed look on her face
Jesse - "sure why not"
Jesse and Tyrone both simultaneously walk inside inside nous sommes racistes as the door closes behind them with everyone in the restaurant with wide eyed looks stare at them as Tyrone just waves back at the staring people with Jesse facing other direction
Tyrone - "bruh why are these people staring like there are obviously smoking that pack"
Jesse turns around and glares at the people giving them a cold stare, as the staring people turn away
Jesse - "lets just sit at one of the booths"
Tyrone - "just hope they have good food service"
Jesse and Tyrone sitting down opposite of each other at a table booth, as Tyrone holds a menu pamphlet
Tyrone - "what the hell are these words"
Jesse proceeds to hold up the menu pamphlet on her side of table, as a restaurant waitress walks to their table booth
Waitress - "Are you two ready for your order?"
Jesse - "aye can I get an Aligot with a side order of Chocolate soufflé?"
The Waitress just stares at Jesse with a confused look
Waitress - "okay and for your friend?"
Tyrone can be seen holding the menu pamphlet upside down
Tyrone - "can I get..uh..uh"
Jesse turns to the Waitress
Jesse - "maybe give him a moment to order?"
Waitress - "sure I guess"
The Waitress walks away from their table booth as Jesse looks over towards Tyrone
Tyrone - "umh..uh...uhh"
Jesse - "you okay?"
Tyrone - "I'mma get a chicken biscuit with some of them cajun fries"
Jesse stares at Tyrone as her eyes slowly move down looking at the menu noticing they don't have it on the menu
Jesse - "did you check the menu?"
Tyrone's voice becomes quiet and weak sounding voice as he answers her
Tyrone - ""
Jesse smirks as she looks at the menu as she glances at Tyrone, she then holds out her menu and points under appetizers where it says "chicken bisque"
Jesse - "Do you mean chicken bisque?"
Tyrone - "what the fuck is a bisque?"
Jesse has a disappointed look on her face
Jesse - "it's soup"
Tyrone - "I don't want soup I want a chicken biscuit with fries"
Jesse - "you eejit they don't have that on the menu"
Tyrone - "bruh I'm sure they can make a chicken biscuit and fries"
Jesse's face becomes red with an noticeable irritation on her face
Jesse - "didn't you just say you read the menu just pick something"
Tyrone - "......uh?..."
Tyrone looks down at the menu as he fidgets with the edges of the paper as he speaks with a hoarse voice
Tyrone - "could you just tell me what's on the menu?"
Jesse gives a confused yet concerned look at him and just speaks without asking any questions, she then glances down at the menu
Jesse -"how about I just tell the waitress myself your order?"
Tyrone - "..I appreciate it.."
Jesse holds up her arms waving it at the waitress calling her over to the table, as the Waitress slowly walks back to the booth
Waitress - "oh have you decided your order then?"
The Waitress glances at Tyrone while she has a noticeably uncomfortable look on her face, as Jesse notices and starts clearing her throat in a passive aggressive tone
Tyrone - "..uh.."
Jesse - "Aye! he will be having a croissant chicken sandwich with the chicken fried of course and on the side a order of potato wedges and for drinks I'll have a glass of red wine"
Jesse finishes the sentence giving the Waitress a cold glare
Jesse - "that will be all ma'am.."
The Waitress slowly backs away from their booth
Waitress - "I will get on that and return with your order"
Jesse - "as you should"
The Waitress walks away as Jesse slowly folds her menu placing it on the side of their table
Tyrone - "..uh.."
Jesse - "what you asked me to take your order for you so I did"
Tyrone lets out a small smile as Jesse's composure returns
Jesse - "I wanted to ask you a question"
Tyrone - "sure"
Jesse - "I noticed you perfectly understand how I speak, why is that?"
Tyrone - "bruh can't everyone understand you?"
Jesse sighs
Jesse - "no I'm quite used to repeating myself..I know I don't have the thickest accent but it's pretty annoying..the only two people I've met so far in my life are Gage and you"
Tyrone - "who the fuck is Gage?"
Jesse - "uhn blonde guy? Took a bullet in the face for me? Kind of an asshole?"
Tyrone - "the fuck boy?"
Jesse - "aye"
Tyrone - "oh wait what kind of name is Gage?*
Jesse - "you're one to talk"
Tyrone - "bruh what's that supposed to mean?"
Jesse - "isn't your name Tyrone? Like I'm going to sound completely fucking racist but thats like the most stereotypical name on the planet for black men"
Tyrone - "my mama was going to name me Thanatos but on my Birth Certificate it says Tyrone..because of those racist ass niggas"
Jesse - "Thanatos?"
Tyrone - "she liked that geek shit I don't know"
Jesse - "you are one fascinating..thing"
Tyrone - "you ain't wrong but wouldn't you understand that"
Jesse - "the fuck is that supposed to mean?"
Tyrone - "the last of the Scottish race would know wouldn't she?"
Jesse - "I..uh that's fair..very fair"
Jesse gives a delayed reaction as she stares at Tyrone
Tyrone - "what?"
Jesse - "you're speaking as if you've met one before?"
Tyrone - "because I have?"
Jesse slams the table with a single arm
Jesse - "what!?"
Tyrone - "it's not really important though don't ask about it ever"
Jesse - "..I'm still processing that give me a second.."
Jesse leans back against the booths seat as she puts her hand on her knee grabbing it anxiously
Jesse - "so um?.."
Tyrone - "what?"
Jesse - "am I really the last one left?.."
Tyrone stays silenced
Jesse - "So how and when was this?"
Tyrone sighs
Tyrone - "you don't want to know that"
Jesse - "yes I do"
Tyrone's face becomes serious and blank
Tyrone - "..drop it end of discussion.."
Jesse - "..."
Tyrone - "bruh like I said you don't want to know"
Jesse - "...fine"
The Waitress from before walks back to their booth placing their food at their table
Jesse - "aye thank you again"
Jesse takes her container of aligot and opens it, as Tyrone just stares at it with disgust and confusion
Tyrone - "what the hell is that?"
Jesse - "it's Aligot"
Tyrone - "what?"
Jesse - "it's pretty much cheese blended into mashed potatoes"
Tyrone - "looks fucking nasty like gooey yellow shit"
Jesse holding a spoon eats a spoon full of the Aligot
Jesse - "it's pretty good"
Tyrone - "bruh whatever you say"
Jesse opens the container of Chocolate soufflé and places the same spoon she tasted her aligot with into the Chocolate soufflé and slightly stirs it until it's just a mushy chocolate paste, as Tyrone just takes a bite of his fried chicken croissant sandwich
Jesse - "okay now for the fun part"
Tyrone - "hmm?"
Jesse pours the mushy chocolate soufflé into the aligot as she mixes the two together, Tyrone witnessing this drops his sandwich onto his plate as his mouth widens
Tyrone - "what the fuck are you doing?!"
Jesse places her spoon into the chocolate aligot mix and begins eating it, as Tyrone horrifying attempts to make gagging and coughing sounds
Jesse - "dude I'm eating can you not"
Tyrone - "..if I could throw up I fucking would...what is wrong with you?"
Jesse - "what?"
Tyrone - "you just that mixed it together"
Jesse - "so the chocolate compliments the cheese?"
Tyrone - "that's fucking disgusting"
Jesse - "you are eating at chicken sandwich I wouldn't judge"
Tyrone - "yeah I'm eating biscuit and chicken"
Jesse - "croissant"
Tyrone - "bruh same fucking difference point is I'm not mixing cheese and chocolate"
Jesse - "you should try it"
Tyrone - "bruh I'm good plus this is the first meal I've had outside that shit hole"
Tyrone returns to eating sandwich as Jesse eats a few more spoonfuls of her chocolate aligot mix
Jesse - "So how did you even get locked up anyways?"
Tyrone - "bruh you always with the questions"
Tyrone sighs
Tyrone - "in the year 4017 I sold some things to a furry outside a shit little store"
Jesse - "ew why?"
Tyrone - "money?"
Jesse - "oh"
Tyrone - "I got caught only because I got tired of running and I sat in that shit hole until we left"
Jesse - "aye that's a pretty interesting story"
Tyrone finishes eating his sandwich then eats a potato wedge
Tyrone - "your turn"
Jesse - "how did I get arrested?"
Tyrone nods
Jesse - "it's a long story"
Tyrone - "I've been alive for uh.."
Jesse - "two thousand and twenty five years old"
Tyrone - "right so as you can see I have all the time in existence"
Jesse sighs
Jesse - "are you sure?"
Tyrone - "yeah hit me with it"
Jesse clears her throat
Jesse - "so I'm gonna have to go to the very beginning when I was eight years old.. I don't remember much but when the attack on my people happened my brother risked his life to save mine by putting me on a boat that was coming know New York?..after I got off I..uh..ran and ran until I couldn't anymore and the worst person in the world found me..his name isn't important but he's the of most evil men to exist period..he used me to get what he wanted"
Tyrone - "eww sorry to hear about it"
Jesse's face becomes flustered with her face turning red
Jesse - "nothing sexual!...thankfully he weaponised me used me to do his dirty work for him"
Tyrone - "pause for a second"
Jesse - "what?"
Tyrone - "so trained in what?"
Jesse - "hand to hand combat?"
Tyrone - "bruh then why at the prison did you do nothing then?"
Jesse - "nothing? nothing!? I carried a heavy ass duffle bag while being shot at and after I still made sure we all got out"
Tyrone - "bruh but you had a bag of guns?"
Jesse - "so?*
Tyrone - "so you pick one up bang bang"
Jesse - "well, I can't use a gun"
Tyrone - "right I forgot about that but like I said useless"
Jesse - "I can't use a gun so what I still did everything else"
Tyrone - "I think it was actually me and uh.. Gage right? So shot all the guards while you and the cat did pretty much nothing"
Jesse - "I carried Gages body with us didn't i?"
Tyrone - "so I told you to leave him"
Jesse - "he would have died you eejit"
Tyrone - "so?"
Jesse - "..."
Tyrone - "So what?"
Jesse lets out a slow exhale
Jesse - "he saved my life I owed him"
Tyrone - "that's how he fucked this eye right?"
Jesse slowly looks away
Jesse - "yeah.."
Tyrone - "I see then"
Jesse - "I owe that guy everything now"
Tyrone - "bruh is that why you're here doing this bullshit?"
Jesse - "not everyone is immortal like you I'm grateful to him okay"
Tyrone - "bruh I'm just here to get a new bong after that I don't care what you do"
Jesse finishes her chocolate aligot mix simultaneously Tyrone finishes all his potato wedges
Jesse - "fuck how are we going to pay.."
Tyrone - "relax I got it"
Tyrone opens his jaw and pulls out Tay unzipping him and taking out a card holding it up
Tyrone "yo bruh we wanna pay now?"
The Waitress walks back to the table and takes Tyrone's card
Waitress - "I'll hand it back to you in a moment just give me the pin real quick"
Tyrone - "alright"
Tyrone gives his cards information to the Waitress as she walks off to the register
Jesse - "does that card even work?"
Tyrone - "it should"
Jesse - "let's hope so"
Tyrone - "bruh even if it does we're still wanted so we can just walk out"
Jesse sighs
Jesse - " I hate to say it but if that's true I just don't feel like running"
The waitress walks back to the booth handing Tyrone his card back
Waitress - "I didn't know you were such a wealthy man do please come again"
Jesse - "wealthy?"
The waitress walks away from the table booth as Jesse and Tyrone both stand and exit the restaurant, as Tyrone turns over to Jesse
Tyrone - "So what now?"
Jesse looks at her worn out clothes in disgust
Jesse - "before anything I think we something new to wear"
Tyrone - "we?"
Jesse looks over at Tyrone who is wearing nothing but a torn and ragged looking black cloak
Jesse - "yeah we"
Tyrone - "bruh fuck it alright"
Jesse and Tyrone continue down the highway, as they continue down the path for a mile
Jesse - "I can't take all this walking!"
Tyrone - "bruh you need to relax"
Jesse just looks at the ground sighing
Jesse - "we've been walking and it's just a highway like this is pointless!!"
Tyrone points at large wall with a sewer tunnel entrance
Tyrone - "well that's something"
Jesse lifts her head up and looks at the sewer tunnel entrance
Tyrone - "what the super Mario fuck is that?"
Jesse sniffs the air as it has a smell similar to melting dog shit
Jesse - "it smells terrible..what the hell is that smell"
Tyrone shrugs
Jesse - "you think it's safe to go inside?"
Tyrone - "bruh for me yes but for you"
Tyrone just looks at the entrance as what looks like green swamp water leaking from the insurance with small busted up ginkgo nuts floating through the swamp water as few of them fall from the entrance clouding the area and a bad smell, Tyrone steps in front of the entrance as he picks up one of the ginkgo nuts
Tyrone - "I've seen these before"
Jesse - "you have?"
Tyrone - "ye they used to fall out of trees when I lived in philly"
Jesse - "Philly?"
Tyrone - "Philadelphia?"
Jesse stares at him with a confused blank face
Tyrone - "it's where I'm mama used to call them stink balls because when they break a nasty ass smell comes from them"
Jesse - "so it's not shit and piss?"
Tyrone - "bruh from what I remember it's much worst"
Jesse - "well we can't just turn back"
Tyrone enters through the entrance of the sewer tunnel as Jesse yells at Tyrone
Jesse - "what the fuck are you doing"
Tyrone - "you said we couldn't just stay here so I'm going"
Jesse sighs
Jesse - "I'm not walking through that shit!"
Tyrone - "bruh suit yourself"
Tyrone begins walking through the sewer tunnel, Jesse looks behind her as she sighs and begins pinching her nose
Jesse - "damn eejit.."
Jesse begins trailing after Tyrone making small splashes with every step due to the swamp water
Jesse - "fucking nasty"
Tyrone hears the splashes coming from behind him as he notices Jesse following him
Tyrone - "bruh I thought you were saying behind"
Jesse - "well what am I supposed to do? sit back there on my ass?"
Tyrone becomes silent and just continues through the sewer tunnel as Jesse trails behind him
Jesse - "I don't know how you can just deal with walking through this.."
Tyrone - "I've walked through worse I'm actually pretty sure I lived in one of these"
Jesse - "well that makes sense why you are so comfortable"
Tyrone stops as Jesse bumps into him from behind then backs having a irritated look on her face
Jesse - "aye what the fuck you just standing there for?"
Tyrone moves aside as Jesse stares at entrance to the other side of the sewer tunnel, as a mix of red, orange,and yellow lights shine from outside
Jesse - "the lights are so pretty"
Jesse and Tyrone step through the entrance of the sewer tunnel exit, Jesse turns and looks at a neon sign that says " Chinatown", as multiple Asians of different races walk around what seems to be a small town with small shops scattered all around
Jesse - "Chinatown?"
Tyrone - "thats fucked up"
Jesse - "what is?"
Tyrone - "you called it Chinatown because there's a bunch of Asians"
Jesse with a irritated face points at the neon sign
Jesse - "you eejit it says Chinatown!"
Tyrone - "oh.."
Jesse sighs
Jesse - "gee like can't you read!?"
Tyrone's face becomes inexpressive as he turns away and begins walking away from Jesse, as she runs up behind him grabbing his cloak with a tight grip
Tyrone - "..let go.."
Jesse - "I've had it with your bullshit alright!?"
Tyrone - "..bruh then go why are you hanging around me then.."
Jesse - "because it doesn't add up like do you think I'm stupid!?"
Tyrone - "huh?"
Jesse - "You refused to read the signs..and you also refused to read the menu back at the restaurant so what the fuck is the problem!?"
Tyrone - "'s none of your business.."
Jesse pulls away her hand from his cloak
Jesse - "you know what you're right..just like how not knowing something about my own people isn't any of my business huh!?"
Tyrone "..."
Jesse - "I just don't understand what's with this thing you're doing?"
Tyrone - "..."
Jesse - "Do you have something against me or my people?"
Tyrone - "it's not like that"
Jesse - "then fucking tell me you eejit!"
Tyrone grips up Jesse by her shirt collar as he yells at her
Tyrone - "I can't read..okay that's why I didn't fucking know what anything said!!!"
Jesse pauses as looks caught off guard
Tyrone - "and about your people you keep going on about I was there when they died bruh!!! I watched my friends die!!!"
Jesse - "...oh"
Tyrone - "bruh you think you've had enough? Ever think about how I felt about all this?"
Jesse - "I..uh I-"
Tyrone - "bruh I didn't ask to join the little group you have with nerdy blonde boy and the cat. I'm only here because I want a replacement from my bong because getting high is the only enjoyment I have anymore so look I'm sorry I don't have the guilt of almost killing your boyfriend but it's not my problem!!!"
Jesse places her hand on Tyrone's shoulder
Jesse - "'re right.."
Tyrone let's go of his grip as Jesse drops to her feet and makes eye contact with him
Jesse - "it's not any of your problem and hey I didn't ask for any of this either so I get it"
Tyrone - "...."
Jesse - "I've been really selfish I know and I'm sorry"
Tyrone - "..."
Jesse - "also thank you for being honest about the whole being there when my people were killed thing"
Tyrone begins to head off as Jesse grabs him by the shoulder, as Tyrone turns around to face her
Jesse - "if you don't leave me alone I'll read the signs for you just like I did in the restaurant"
Tyrone sighs
Jesse - "it's better to stay alone because of us being outlaws, plus we're in a very unsafe place for me and I just don't want to be alone so please I'll even help you find a new bong and-"
Tyrone cuts her off
Tyrone - "bruh okay okay I accepts the apology or whatever besides I owe you for that"
Jesse - "for what?"
Tyrone - "nobody has ever done anything like that for me other than my mama"
Jesse - "ordered you food"
Tyrone - "stood up for me"
Jesse sniffs
Jesse - "that waitress was kind of a bitch to be fair"
Tyrone - "bruh people judge what they don't understand that's about it but if you let them you'll end up just feeling like shit"
Jesse - "nice quote"
Tyrone - "oh bruh I wasn't quoting anything I just came up with that"
Jesse - "So where are we going first?"
Tyrone - "Bruh didn't you want new clothes or something like that?"
Jesse has a insecure look on her face as she rubs her two index fingers together
Jesse - "I wasn't being serious like I can deal with wearing the shit I have on right now.."
Tyrone pulls out Tay and opening it up as he holds out his card
Tyrone - "look because you did me a favor at the restaurant it's on me"
Jesse takes the card as she flips the card with the code is written on the back with black marker ink
Jesse - "I don't really know what to say.."
Tyrone - "bruh what are you waiting for let's go?"
Jesse and Tyrone began to walk through Chinatown as they browse through the shopping area, as Jesse notices a clothing store called Tao's Weenie, she spots a mannequin wearing a long sleeve short swing dress with a mint green plaid pattern , with the top of the dress being black with a mint green floral patterned spiral steel boned corset going over the top, covering the legs are two black stockings paired with some mediocre sneakers, Jesse then walks into Taos Weenie as Tyrone follows her inside
Tyrone - "this place seems kinda boring"
Jesse looks around the store amazed by all the different outfits
Jesse - "this is great what do you mean?!"
At the corner of Jesse's eye she sees a black leather punk hat with the scottish flag on the hats front and tiny metal spikes around the rim of the hat
Jesse - "oh that's cool"
Jesse feels the presence of someone behind her as she turns around to see an Chinese man who is dressed well
Tao - "Greetings my name is Tao and wercome to Taos Weenie now what are you rooking for today?"
Jesse - "Oh aye can I get that outfit on the mannequin in the front?"
Tao looks at Jesse up and down taking notice of her worn out clothing as his wrist is limp
Tao - "oh honey that won't be enough"
Jesse - "huh?"
Tao - "don't worry Tao will take care of you just give me your measurements"
Jesse's becomes flustered with her face turning a slight shade of red
Jesse - "oh uhm"
Tao sighs and hands Jesse and piece of paper and pen
Tao - "just quickry write it down"
Jesse writes down and hands Tao her size information
Tao - "give me a moment and I'll be with you"
Jesse - "oh alright"
After a few minutes Tao can be seen walking towards Jesse holding two bags
Tao - "come on! come on!!"
Tao leads Jesse to a changing booth as she goes inside and begins to get changed, after a few minutes Jesse steps out wearing two black boots that should was wearing before that make her appear taller with the rest of her legs being covered by two black stockings, she also is wearing a short swing dress with two long black sleeves and a mint green plaid pattern on the skirt as the top is covered by a mint green floral patterned spiral steel boned corset, She runs her fingers through her scarlet red hair, Jesse looks at herself in a mirror as her emerald green eyes let off a confident gaze
Jesse - "wow I look good..."
Tao looks at her with a limp wrist
Tao - "no looking good is for amateurs now you look the best"
Jesse - "oh thank you"
Jesse turns back and looks at Tao
Jesse - "So how much?"
Tao stops and thinks
Tao - "how about we settre for 35 credits?"
Jesse holds out Tyrone's card
Jesse - "well I'm not sure how much is on this but..if it covers it I'll take it"
Tao - "nice doing business with you then"
Jesse and Tao walk to the counter as Jesse looks at the black leather punk hat from before as Tao notices
Tao - 'I give you for free if you want?"
Jesse gives a confused look at Tao
Jesse - "seriously?"
Tao - "pretty sure you are rast of race? yes?"
Jesse - "yeah so?"
Tao - "think of it as gift then because something with scottish symbor probably won't sell to begin with"
Jesse takes the hat and puts it on her head
Jesse - "aye thank you"
Tao pulls out a device that scans Tyrone's card as he hands Jesse the card back
Tao - "here I give card back to you"
Jesse takes Tyrone's card back as
Tao hands her another card with the stores phone number
Tao - "you ever want to be business you call and come to me"
Jesse takes his card and begins walking out of Taos Weenie as Tyrone can be seen waiting for Jesse, Tyrone looks at Jesse and she approaches him
Tyrone - "not bad"
Jesse holds Tyrone is card as she places the card Tao gave her between her breasts
Tyrone - "bruh what the fuck was that?"
Jesse - "guy who knows the store gave me his number in case I need anything ever"
Tyrone pulls her cloaks hood ever his head
Jesse - "aye you ready to go then?"
Tyrone - "depends on where you wanna go"
Jesse - "maybe we can go get that bong you keep asking for?"
Tyrone - "bruh fucking finally"
Jesse smiles
Tyrone - "but"
Jesse smile turns into a confused look
Tyrone - "technically that fucker Gabe-"
Jesse cuts Tyrone off and corrects him
Jesse - "Gage"
Tyrone - "well "Gage" is the one who owes me my bong since he's the one who broke it"
Tyrone hides his expression using his hood
Tyrone - "so I guess I'm not going anywhere"
Jesse attempts to keep her composure and just let's out another smile
Jesse - "I can work with that"
Tyrone - "So he needed what nerdy car parts?"
Jesse - "he wanted to turn that rusty box into something we can hide from the police with"
Tyrone - "so he wants to make it fly?"
Jesse - "sounds eejitic I know"
Tyrone - "bruh I actually think it's a gas idea"
Jesse has a deadpan expression
Jesse - "what?"
Tyrone - "imagining a big RV flying around through space is just a gas idea"
Jesse - "gas?"
Tyrone - "like cool or great"
Jesse - "oh"
Tyrone - "I would love to drive it but I probably wouldn't be able too"
Jesse - "why's that?"
Tyrone - "bruh I'm just not good with all that new technology shit but years ago I used to be one of the best drivers in the world"
Jesse - "that's pretty gas"
Tyrone just stares at Jesse
Jesse - "oh I'm sorry I can't use your slang now "bruh?"
Tyrone lets out a slight chuckle
Tyrone - "let's just get a move on.."
Jesse and Tyrone begin to walk through Chinatown as a small pygmy marmoset monkey approaches Jesse and Tyrone
Tyrone - "what the fuck?"
Jesse's face turns pale as she stares at the small monkey
Jesse - "I think we should go"
Tyrone - "Wait, why?"
Jesse grabs Tyrone's arm and proceeds to run
Tyrone - "bruh where exactly are you trying to go?"
Jesse - "anywhere that fucking muncaidh isn't okay!"
Tyrone - "You mean monkey?"
Jesse - "that's what I just said!?"
Tyrone - "no you said munc-"
Jesse - "not the time or place to nitpick my accent"
Tyrone - "bruh you are running away from a small stupid monkey"
Jesse - "no you eejit you don't understand it's not a nor-"
While Jesse is speaking she feels something thrown at her back as she looks down where two small black balls roll to her feet, as a large green mist comes out
Tyrone - "where that come from"
Tyrone looks around as the small monkey looks at them both menacingly as Jesse begins to feel light headed and starts to fumble, as all around Tyrone people start passing out falling to the ground one by one
The small monkey pulls out a walkie talkie and begins to speak into it
Mini Chump - "you won't believe what I found"
Vinny "Iceman" Paul's voice comes from the walkie talkie
Vinny - "I'm listening?"
Mini Chump - "remember when you had that Scottish bitch locked up?"
Vinny - "So what?"
Mini Chump - "well she's here"
Vinny - "on Earth?"
Mini Chump - "in Chinatown"
Vinny - "bring her to me at any cost"
Mini Chump - "understood sir"
Mini Chump puts away the walkie talkie as he whistles, the sound of grunting and squeaking sounds echo through Chinatown, as Tyrone grabs Jesse pulls her over his shoulder
Tyrone - "I don't like the sound of that"
Tyrone watches a swarm of monkeys start running into Chinatown in different sizes, breeds and colors
Tyrone - "oh so that's what the little monkey can do"
Mini Chump - "Mr. Iceman wants the girl brought back with us so get her by all means necessary!!!"
Tyrone begins to run through Chinatown as the Swarm of Monkeys chase after him, The door to Tao's Weenie opens up as Tao sticks his head out
Tao - "run mother fucker run!"
Tyrone approaches Taos Weenie and opens the door as he slams the door shut, Tao locks the door and turns to face Tyrone with a irritated look on his face
Tao - "I never said to come here dipshit"
Tyrone - "bruh is there another way to get out of here?"
Tao - "no rooks like we're pretty much trapped in here"
Tyrone - "I'm not much of a thinker.."
Tyrone looks at Jesse as she sleeps then he turns to Tao
Tyrone - "I'm going to have to go throu-"
Before Tyrone can finish his sentence the sound of glass breaking can be heard as a Proboscis monkey sticks it's head into the store
Proboscis monkey - "I'm going to lick your toes if you don't hang over the girl!"
Tao - "joke on you I'm into that!"
Tyrone gives a disgusted look at Tao as he backs away from the window
Tao - "hey you brack croak man there's back door take Scottish girl and go"
Tyrone - "alright thanks weird Chinese dude"
Tyrone runs through the store and exits through the back door of Tao's weenie, as Tao looks at the Proboscis monkey and licks his lips
Proboscis Monkey - "wait what are you.."
Tao - "Give me them toes monkey boy!!!"
Tyrone runs away from the back of Tao's Weenie as he enters a somewhat grassy field with the sound of the Proboscis monkey screaming can be heard, as Tyrone then hears the sound of a helicopter
Tyrone - "what the fuck?"
Tyrone looks up as a helicopter with rope hangs down with a Gibbon monkey hanging onto the rope with one of its long arms
Tyrone - "bruh get fuck out of here like go back to swinging on trees"
Tyrone looking at the helicopter not paying attention trips and falls as the helicopter gets close as the Gibbon monkey grabs Jesse's leg and begins climbing up the rope
Gibby - "I got her! go! go!! go!!!"
The helicopter flies away as Tyrone quickly gets up and begins chasing after the helicopter
Tyrone - "don't run away from me pussies!"
Tyrone after chases the helicopter for what seems like miles as the helicopter is now out of sight, Tyrone proceeds to fall to his knees and makes a fist with his hand as repeatedly repeatedly starts punching the ground making a fissures in the ground that make vibrations so strong that feel like earthquakes
Tyrone - "damn it!!!!!"
After a few hours of Tyrone repeatedly punching the ground he stops as he begins heading back to Tao's Weenie as all the grass that was once there is now nothing but dust and dirt, once he opens the door and enters Tao's Weenie he sees Tao sweeping the broken glass away
Tao - "what are you doing back here?"
Tyrone - "bruh I don't wanna talk about it"
Tyrone removes his hood as his face is noticeably really sad
Tao - "whoa you're a skereton huh?"
Tyrone - "I am yeah"
Tao - "I understand why you wear that drab croak then"
Tyrone - "no shit"
Tao - "I'm guessing they took the girl since she isn't with you?"
Tyrone - "yeah they did.."
Tao - "then I guess you shourd know that the long nose monkey with the yummy toes ran off and said something about going to Manhattan"
Tyrone - "Manhattan?"
Tao - "that's all I know wish I could be of more help"
Tyrone opens the door and starts to walk out as Tao stops him
Tao - "wait!"
Tyrone turns back at Tao
Tyrone - "what?"
Tao - "I might have something for you so you don't need to keep wearing that hood"
Tyrone - "oh yeah?"
Tao hands Tyrone a full metal Predator mask replica (from the movie Predator vs Alien)
Tao - "might help cover up your face because I see you probably need that"
Tyrone takes the mask and pulls it on as he pulls his hood on over it
Tyrone - "thank you"
Tao - "come back if you ever want to do business"
Tyrone - "I will do my friend had one of your cards"
Tyrone leaves as Tao waves him goodbye as he starts walking down the street of Chinatown, as all the citizens begin to wake up with Tyrone beginning to leave Chinatown as Tyrone hears small footsteps as he turns around as he sees a old Gray langur Monkey wearing a traditional japanese vest and a katana in sheath with his hands up
Gary - "hello there"
Tyrone - "bruh another one listen here you give back the girl!"
Before Tyrone attacks the Monkey it yells it
Gary - "I think I can help you get her back"
Tyrone stands still
Tyrone - "I'm listening"
Gary - "she's in Manhattan"
Tyrone - "I know that already"
Gary - "but do you know where Manhattan is?"
Tyrone pauses
Tyrone - "no I don't"
Gary - "well I do besides I think you should see this"
Gary throws a smartphone at Tyrone , Tyrone catches the smartphone and looks in its screen as Gage, Jesse, Pablo and himself have digital wanted posters with there faces on them, Tyrone throws the phone back at Gary as he catches it
Tyrone - "I'm already wearing a mask so that doesn't matter to me"
Gary - "at least let me help you"
Tyrone - "bruh why would you help me when she was legit taken by you fucking things"
Gary - "I could ask why you are going after her myself"
Tyrone - "two reasons one she's my friend now and two because she reminds me of somewhere I used to know"
Gary - "well she's my friend too"
Tyrone sighs
Gary - "so do you want me to show you the way or not"
Tyrone begins walking as Gary just stands there
Gary - "well do you!"
Tyrone - "bruh we don't have all fucking day let's go"
Gary - "wait up"
Tyrone and Gary begin walking together as they begin walking down what seems to be a long vacant road, Meanwhile back on Spiegel Rusty can be seen sitting on a rocking chair just outside his small wooden shack
Rusty - "it's been quiet with those guys hope they're doing ok"
Rusty begins to sense someone approaching him as he stands up
Rusty - "someone there?!"
Right in front of Rusty eyes a spiraling portal with a blinding white light appears in front of him
Rusty - "what the hell.."
A person in wearing a cloak and a helmet similar to Vald's walks out of the portal
Rusty - "Who the hell are you?"
The person speaks as a robotic voice comes from the helmet
Nwantitl - "you may call me Nwantitl and I need you to please stay out of my way"
Rusty - "uhm sure dude"
Nwantitl pulls out what looks like a pill like capsule and throws it near a junk pile, as capsule touches the ground a large operating antenna appears
Rusty - "what the fuck why would you.."
Nwantitl - "again just stay out of my way"
Nwantitl drops another capsule on the ground as a hoverbike appears similar in shape to the one used by Gage but instead a normal matte black it has a mix of magenta and sky blue splattered all over the hoverbike, as Nwantitl gets on the bike Rusty watches as Nwantitl stares at him through the visor with two electric pink eyes stare at him
Rusty - "Who are you?"
Nwantitl - "..."
Nwantitl starts riding away on the hoverbike quickly leaving the planet as they begin to just freely ride through space
Nwantitl - "aye like said I'm Nwantitl"

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