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You were awoke by the sounds of your screaming mother yelling at you, once again to wake up. She tried to many times before, but you being a deep sleeper meant you didn't hear her the first several times. You slowly opened your eyes and rubbed them of tiredness as you sat up in your bed.

"Y/n if you're not up-"

"I'm up mom!"

"Finally, I'm going to make breakfast hurry up and get ready or you'll be late" She peeked her head around the corner of your door to see if you were really awake receiving a glare from you.

Getting up from your warm spot on the bed you walked over to the blinds and opened them, than making your way to the closet to pick out something to wear. Nothing to formal and nothing to casual, you had work today. Being a 19 year old who still lives with her parents isn't exactly what you wanted to be doing with your life, you were in hopes of going to college but things didn't work out in the end.

What a short lived dream.

Getting ready for the day you made your way downstairs checking the time. It's 8am the usual. You sat in your normal spot by the window wandering your eyes around for a bit. You noticed a man in a blue track suit with long black hair pulled back into a low pony tail his eyes were a deep blue and the only expression he ever seemed to show was, well, nothing really. He never showed expression, his face was blank, you could say. Something about him was different though, you were in hopes of seeing him another time around but that idea quickly left your mind once you saw your mother walk over to you.

"Eat up than leave kiddo" she smiled and set a plate of pancakes in-front of you, managing to mumble a 'thank you' you quickly began to eat.

Setting the plate with nothing but crumbs and leftover syrup in the sink you hurriedly got your things together than left, not wanting to be later than you already were.


Giyuus POV

"I don't understand why he can't just go to the bookstore himself and get this useless book" I mumbled under my breathe speed walking my way throughout the little town I was in. One of my coworkers Mr. Rengoku specifically needs a books for this class he's teaching but he's to busy to get it himself, so of course, he sent me to get it. The anti-social 20 year old who can barley make conversation with anyone.

Embarrassing I know.

I've never been in this part of town so I really have no idea where I'm going which is awful. Looking back down at his phone for the directions Mr.Rengoku gave him realizing he'd already reached him destination. It wasn't an old building and it wasn't brand new either. Kinda rusty.

I put my hand on the door handle going to open the door when ,

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry!" This lady reached for it at the same time causing us to touch hands. She had black and purple painted nails, and her hands were kind of pale looking. Looking up I was met with a girl her hair was a deep shade of (h/c) and her big (e/c) eyes were filled with nothing but doubt.

"That was my fault, sorry" I mumbled a little than opened the door and motioned for her to go in, she thanked me and gave me a big smile before disappearing somewhere in the shop. I have to admit she was beautiful, but she's not what I'm here for.


Your POV

You raced to the back of the store embarrassed and red as ever. You just accidentally touched hands with the man you were daydreaming about this morning, thats next level embarrassing. You didn't want to go back out there but were forced to since it's kinda your job.

Walking to the check out station and pinning the pin with your name on it to your shirt you got everything ready to check out or help whoever needed it.

Patiently waiting for someone to hurry up and check out the raven haired male made his way up to you. His cheeks were tinted a slight pink more than before when you first ran into him.

"That'll be 8.99" you watched as he pulled out his credit card and inserted it into the chip reader.

"Thanks," he stopped for a second and squinted his eyes "Y/n, see ya around" he grabbed the bag and left before you could even reply. That was less awkward than you thought it would be.

"Ooh Y/n who was that, and why did he look so flushed" your co-worker, Mitsuri annoyed you with questions about the man all day but all you could say was "I don't know" or "we just met I don't know his whole life story Mitsuri!"

It's now 4pm and your shift is finally over. You can now go home and leave this hell hole people call "work". Exhausted, you got your things together and left the shop, you had only eaten this morning and your stomach was rumbling for some food. Who would it hurt if you stopped to get something to eat?


After ordering your things and eating you finally made your way home, thankfully you didn't live far as it was already getting dark out. Practically speed walking walking at this point you finally made it home. Your mother was reading a book on the couch with her old pink glasses, the view made you smile.

After getting ready for bed you sat on your bed and looked out at the view of the window. Cars passing and people walking, it was somewhat calming. Than your phone dinged indicating you got a message, opening your phone the message was from your friend, Mitsuri.

M; heyy Y/n! I found that guys socials hehe

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You; Mitsuri, I told you.

M; I know! But if you look at his profile he's single and he lives kinda close! Maybe if he comes by the shop again tomorrow you can get his number!

You; idk if that's a good idea

M; come on, you can't be single forever. :(

You; we'll see, goodnight

M; fine, goodnight

Shutting your phone off you closed your blinds and turned off your lamp, would you ever see him again? Do you want to see him again? Whatever, it's not important. You got under the covers and quietly listened to the noises of the outside, causing you to eventually fall fast asleep.

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