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After work Mitsuri convinced you to come over to her apartment so she could share her plan with you, as much as you didn't want to you went anyways. As soon as you got inside she forced you to take a seat at the table as she made some tea.

"So.." she started handing you a cup of tea sitting in the seat across from you,

"I heard from a friend of a friend that Shinobu was hanging with a different girl recently, actually not just hanging they were at a bar! Holding hands all lovey dovey-" you stopped her before she could even begin with the details.

"Look Mitsuri, you don't need to go into detail just tell me what happened or what was heard" you sighed taking a sip of the hot tea in front of you.

"Yeah, sorry.. anyways this "friend" said Shinobu was with an unfamiliar girl, not Makomo, she heard them talking about going out on Saturday to a nice restaurant" she looked up from her hands and met eyes with you.

"Let me guess, you want me to invite Makomo out and "coincidentally" catch her girlfriend with another woman?" She clasped her hands together smiling.

"Yes! You could even invite the boys if you'd like, I'd also come along with Iguro" you sighed, of course you couldn't say no to Mitsuri. She's such a sweet innocent girl who has a heart full of nothing but love.

"Okay fine" she gave you a wide smile, all you needed to do now was invite the three roommates out on Saturday to this restaurant, and hopefully they'd accept your invitation.

You unlocked your phone and opened the messages app and clicked on yours and Giyuus conversation.

You; hey! Sorry this is on such short notice but me and a friend of mine were wondering if you, Sabito, and Makomo would all like to go out? If so meet us at (a restaurant) at 7pm. Hope you can make it! :)

Turning your phone off you looked up at Mitsuri who was typing away on her phone. Her long pink nails made noise as she tapped her screen, you only assumed she was talking to her boyfriend Iguro. She smiled as she set her phone down looking at you.

"Perfect Iguro said he'd come along with us now all we need is the trio!" You nodded your head and took another sip of your tea, your phone made a noise a couple seconds later. Picking it up and looking at your screen you saw Giyuus name, you unlocked it and read his message.

Giyuu: Hey Y/n, thanks for inviting us! We'd all be happy to come :)

You; perfect see ya then!

You set your phone down once again and looked up at Mitsuri who was watching you.


"They're coming"

"Perfect!! I hope all goes well tomorrow and that we catch Shinobu with this woman!" She squealed.

"Yeah but I'm not looking forward to seeing her" you sighed sitting back in your seat, Mitsuri grabbed your hand, her face now full of sadness and regret.

"I'm sorry N/n I'll make it up to you Monday 'Kay?" You didn't respond but only stood up.

"I should get going, it's getting pretty late. I'll see you tomorrow" and with that you got up and left, making your way home.

As you walked through the front door you took your shoes off and hung up your purse on the rack next to the door. You headed up to your room and quickly changed into your pajamas, after laying restless in bed for a couple of minutes you finally fell asleep.


Todays the day. The day where you have to go out and confront your ex about cheating (again) with her new girlfriend and your friends. You're dreading this, but only doing it for the sake of Makomo and somewhat for your own enjoyment of seeing her get caught.

It's only 5pm so you still have time to get ready, you rummaged through your closet finding nothing to wear. You made your way into your moms room and opened her closet, she has to have something. You searched until you came across a nice dark blue shirt, it's sleeves stopped at your elbows and it was ruffly. You decided to just pair it with black jeans which looked really good together.

Before you knew it you'd gotten a message from Mitsuri saying her and Iguro were here waiting for you outside. You were nervous and excited at the same time, how will tonight play out? You opened the door of black SUV in your driveway and were met with Mitsuri and her short ass boyfriend who tried to act cool, Iguro.

"Hey" you heard him speak from the drivers side, you got in and sat in the middle.

"Hey" you smiled and looked at Mitsuri.

"Are you ready?" She turned to look back at you.

"Yup, they should already be there already"

"Cool!" Iguro put the car in reverse and backed out of the drive way, you're now on your way to this restaurant.


About 30 minutes passed and you're finally here, you already reserved a table for the six of you ahead of time. You met up with the trio at the front. Giyuu noticed you guys first and waved, you waved back and started walking ahead of the two.

"Hey" he smiled as you walked up to him.

"Hi, you look nice tonight" you returned the smile.

"You too" he pulled you into a side hug and said your hellos to Sabito and Makomo leaning against the wall on the other side of you two. Mitsuri and Iguro finally made their way to the front and you were all seated.

You sat in between Giyuu and Sabito, as Mitsuri sat across from you in between Makomo and Iguro.

You eyed Mitsuri as she looked around, you watched as her eyes widen and she pulled out her phone, your phone dinged and you automatically knew it was her. You opened her message.

Mitsuri; Shinobu is at the table to the left of us behind you. Don't freak but I think she saw me.

Your heart sunk.

"Hey do you know what you're getting?" Giyuu leaned next to you pointing at the menu with a focused face, you giggled at the sight.

"Yeah, I was thinking about getting this pasta" he looked at you with a smirk, "what?" You hit his arm playfully.

"Wanna share? I'm not that hungry" you could feel your face slowly getting hot as you looked at him.

"Sure" he set the menu down and started talking again, you drowned out the conversations going on at the table lost in your thoughts.

Are you really doing this?

"Hey Y/n are you okay? You don't look so good" Giyuu was looking at you as you stared down at your hands.

"What? Oh I'm fine" you gave him a "reassuring" smile and looked back down. You decided to join the conversation so you didn't look so nervous or out of place.


The food finally arrived at the table, you scooted the plate in the middle of you and Giyuu and started eating. A while after and odd woman came up to the table.

"Hey are you Y/n?" She pointed at you with an eyebrow raised.

"Um yeah why?" You said with food in your mouth, completely forgetting.

"Did you like.. come here on purpose?" You scrunched your nose. What?

"Uhm what? I don't even know you.. I just came to eat with my friends" you looked at Mitsuri and she kicked your leg from under the table and your eyes widened.

"Kay cause-" she was cut off by another woman. It was Shinobu. Apparently she didn't see Makomo yet because when she came over she yelled,

"Babe come on leave these losers alone" you looked over at Makomo her eyes wide.

"Shinobu?" Makomo got up from her seat her eyes wide filling with tears at the sight in front of her.

Oh boy was tonight going to be... interesting.

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