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After that somewhat awkward incident Sabito accompanied you on the couch as you waited for Giyuu to finish getting ready, which wasn't long.

Giyuu walked into the living room where he found you and Sabito talking, he was actually wearing clothes this time (hehe). He had on a white collared shirt and black jeans, it suited him well. He walked behind the couch and up to you,

"You ready?" He asked as he put his hand on your shoulder.

"Oh we're leaving? Yeah sure I'm ready" you got up and turned to him walking. You both said your goodbyes to Sabito and made your way out.

"So where are we going?" You asked turning to look at him.

"No where fancy so you don't have to worry" he smiled reassuringly as you followed his lead.

Soon enough you were at a small convenience store, he told you to get whatever you'd like and that he'd pay for it. You both decided on getting slushees, they were out of your favorite so you decided to get cherry and he got blue raspberry. You watched as he payed and soon made your way out again.

You stopped at a bench near a fountain and sat and talked as your drank your slushes.

"If I'm being completely honest, this has to be one of the best- "dates?" I've been on" he laughed a little and looked at you. DATE? THIS WAS A DATE? You screamed internally and smiled at him.

"Yeah you're a cool guy, we should hang out again sometime" the air was filled with an awkward tension neither of you not knowing what to say, than your phone started ringing, it was a call from Mitsuri.

"Uh I have to get this, please excuse me" he nodded his head and watched as you walked away from the bench and pick up the phone.


"N/n! How is it going?" She screamed into the phone, you swear one day she was going to burst your ear drums.

"It's going fine but I'm actually glad you called, it was getting a little awkward" you chuckled to yourself and looked back and Giyuu who was scrolling through his phone.

"Oh, what were you guys doing?"

"Nothing really, we're just hanging out and talking. I should go now though I don't want to keep him waiting" she laughed at how generous you were being for someone who didn't even want to go.

"Kk have fun!" She hung up the phone just like that and you made your way back to the bench.

"Who was it?" He asked turning his gave to you and off his phone.

"Just a friend" you smiled and out your phone back in your pocket and picked up your drink, "wanna walk around for a while?"

"Sure" you walked around in silence for a while till you came to a bridge, the area was surrounded in cherry blossoms and the sound of rushing water calmed you. Giyuu broke the silence.

"If we kissed do you think our tongues would be purple?" You laughed than looked back at him realizing he was being serious.

"Oh- I mean yeah considering your drink is blue and mine is red" you looked up at him, "why?".

"Just wondering, I'm not actually going to kiss you don't worry, just curious" he smiled at you, you felt a wave of sadness wash over you, you were happy he was joking but at the same time you wanted him to kiss you- or is that weird? He was quiet handsome and you wouldn't mind but you guessed it would be awkward since it's only the first "date".

"Do you live far from here?" He asked turning to you.

"No not really, why?" You were curious as to why he wanted to know where you lived, was he some kind of stalker? Killer maybe?

"Why don't I walk you home? It's getting pretty late and it's dark out" you nodded your head and started your journey, his intentions weren't bad at all, that's nice to know.


As you approached your house you saw someones car parked in the driveway.. who could it be? And why are they at your house? How did they even get inside?

"This is it" you smiled and he gave you a hug, surprisingly, you walked in and waved bye one last time as he said he'd messaged you later. You opened the door to find someone familiar with black hair that faded into purple.

"Forgot to change the lock" she said in an annoying tone dangling keys in front of your face.

What does she want and why is she here to bother you so late at night..?

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