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I know I said the end wasn't going to be any time soon but I clearly lied. I have like zero motivation to keep this story going, once again I'm sorry I wish I could keep this going :(<3


Months after the engagement you and Giyuu had agreed to start looking for a house together. One that wasn't too big nor too small, after all you didn't think living with your parents or his friends was a great idea. Especially if you wanted to start a family of your own one day.

You'd spend your time together looking and occasionally send ones you liked to each other if you weren't together. There were so many to chose from it was so hard to pick.

You'd obviously eventually found one to both of your likings, and bought it. It was a big decision but you weren't alone, thankfully.

Everyone had helped with the move, your parents, his roommates, and a couple of your friends helped as well. There obviously wasn't much but you'd bought the necessary furniture in your own time.

After the move you'd planned on setting everything up yourselves to your likings, after all it's your and your fiancé's house. It took about a week to finish everything up, well you were left to do most of it yourself.

Giyuu wanted to help but after getting a new job he unfortunately had to work a lot more then usual. You both agreed to get better jobs, with better pays. He became a lawyer and you found a job as a veterinarian.

Anyways none of that is important at the moment as you're going to be walking down the aisle any moment now. You had a long puffy white dress on, your hair was done nicely with a vail over it.

You made your way to the doors, as you walked in the whole rooms gaze turned towards you and that classic old wedding music was playing. Your dad approached your and hooked arms.

You could tell he was clearly crying as he was sniffling and holding a handkerchief up to his eyes.

"You look beautiful Y/n" he smiled turning to you.

"Thank you" you shot him a warm smile and turned forwards to be met with the gaze of your soon-to-be husband.

He was wearing a black tuxedo with his hair in the same pony-tail as always. His cheeks tinted a slight rose color and his beautiful dark blue eyes were filled to the brim with tears.

Your father unhooked arms and hugged you one last time before letting you walk to Giyuu, once you approached him he took your hands in his.

"God I'm so lucky I'm marrying such an awesome woman" he whispered so that only you'd be able to hear.

"Stop you're making me blush" you fake pouted as little streams of tears ran down your face.

The marriage officiant said some things, and you exchanged your vows. Some laughs and sniffs were heard along with the occasional "aww".

"You may now kiss the bride"

You stared into his eyes as he leaned to your level and kissed you passionately.


It had been a while since then, everyone is having a nice time enjoying themselves and all. The night flew by, like it was almost hard to believe it even happened. Everyone left and now it's just you and Giyuu.

He apparently booked a hotel for the night and that's where you're headed. It was really nice, and big. The room even had its own hot tub, and just to add it had an incredible view of the city below.

"Giyuu can you help me take out these hairpins?" You asked struggling to remove them from your hair.

"Of course, let me know if it hurts" you nodded your head and felt as he removed one by one gently, making sure not to pull your hair.

"Thank you, but um can you also unzip the back of this dress for me?" You asked, hopping he wouldn't mind.


You felt as he unzipped the dress and watched it fall to the ground carelessly.

Your eyes widened as you'd realized you hadn't worn a bra so you're practically.. naked. You covered yourself with your hands and felt his hot breath on your neck as he chuckled.

"There's no need to hide yourself, we're married now" he snaked his arms around your waist, you'd never done anything like this before so it was all awkward and new.

"I'm tired, maybe another night" you looked up at him with a smile, he nodded and walked away to the bathroom.

You sighed and got dressed in the room and got in the bed, scrolling through your phone. You felt somewhat bad, he thought he was going to get something tonight but you declined. You knew he wouldn't care though, you'd give in at some point.

He walked out in his pajamas, his hair was wet and not in the pony it's usually in. He climbed in bed next to you and grabbed you by the waist pulling you in.

"You smell good" you said running your hands through his wet hair.

"Mm maybe it's because I took a shower" He playfully said, getting a small laugh out of you.

Before you knew it he was fast asleep, his breathing evened out and the room filled with the sound of his snoring. You falling asleep after, still in his warm embrace under the covers, with peace at last.

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