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"Shinobu what the fuck do you want?" You sighed as you placed your things on the table beside her.

"Woah what's with the attitude? I thought you weren't interested in men?" She chuckled, she must've seen you with Giyuu outside.

"Who I like and what I like is none of your business, why are you in my house?" Your tone more stern than before glaring at her.

You and Shinobu used to date, you were together for about two years when you found out she cheated on you, (multiple times) so you ended things with her. (Y/n is bi!)

"Well I'm obviously here to drop my keys off and pick up my things, I should hurry my girlfriend is waiting in the car" she pointed towards the door and smirked at you, rolling your eyes you made your way to the storage room and shoved her boxes into her chest. She gave you the house keys and made her way to the front door.

"Try not to miss me to much" she giggled and walked out the door, if you couldn't tell you and Shinobu ended on bad terms. She wasn't happy when you told her you wanted to end things, but now she's dating the girl she cheated on you with. You really couldn't care less about her, she was always toxic anyways. Your parents didn't like her either, speaking of parents your mom walked down the stairs.

"Sorry for letting her in" she cringed her teeth scared of your response.

"Whatever mom, she's gone now and she won't be coming back" you walked upstairs and slammed the door shut. Today was exhausting.

You picked out a pair of warm pajamas and took a nice warm refreshing shower. You crawled into bed and opened the messages app to text Mitsuri.

You; hey, I'm home now tonight was fun but you'll never guess who my mom let inside!!

Mitsuri: that's exciting to here! And omg I hope it wasn't who I think it was :((

You; yep she let Shinobu in, she dropped off the keys and came to get her stuff. I'm hoping she doesn't come back.

Mitsuri; omg me too!! Stay safe N/n, sweet dreams <3

You; thanks, goodnight <3

You sighed and watched as your dim phone lit up again, it was Giyuu messaging you this time.

Giyuu; hey, tonight was fun. Let's hang again some other day :)

You; tonight was fun, thanks for taking me out. I hope we can hang out again as well :)

Giyu; mhm, goodnight don't stay up too late.

You; you too!

Giyuu was a nice guy and you were slowly warming up to him, his friend Sabito was very nice as well and welcoming. You hoped that you and Giyuu could get closer over time.


You woke up the next morning getting ready for work, you absolutely dreaded working. Even though your job wasn't hard you just hated waking up so early and dealing with costumers practically everyday.

Today you wore a simple sage green dress with ruffled sleeves that ended before it could reach your elbows. It was nice and comfy, you favorite dress as well. You walked into the shop seeing Mitsuri helping a costumer and your other co-workers checking some people out. Making your way to the back you put your things away and scrolled on your phone a bit till someone came in and got you to tell you it's your turn to switch jobs with them.

One of your co-workers entered the room and immediately came to you.

"Y/n, there's some guy outside the shop waiting for you. He said he wanted to talk to you about something?" She looked paler than normal, her name is Maiko she's a pretty girl and nice as well.

"He's kinda cute too" she winked at you before exiting the room. Ugh. Who is it? Could it be Giyuu? You walked out of the employees room and put the pin with your name on it, you looked out the window before going out to see who it was. To your surprise it was Sabito.

"Uh hey, what are you doing here?" You asked poking his back so he'd turn around to look at you.

"Hey Y/n! Can we talk? Like somewhere private?" He looked kinda like he was in shock but you nodded your head and told him to follow you inside. You opened the employees only door and sat at an empty table, him taking a seat next to you.

"So what is it?" You asked tilting your head more confused than ever.

"So mine and Giyuus roommate, yes there's another one, her names Makomo she came home with her girlfriend last night and apparently she knows you? She was saying some really shitty stuff about you.." Sabito couldn't even look at you his gaze was shifted on some books sitting on a counter.

Great. Shinobu the bitch is at it again trying to ruin your life.



"Look Sabito, me and Shinobu used to date. She was toxic as hell and cheated on me with Makomo. Whatever she said is all lies. She can't be trusted. She's been a bitch since day one. She's always trying to ruin my life." you sighed looking down.

"Damn Y/n-"

"Wait" you said cutting him off, if she was talking shit about you doesn't that mean Giyuu heard it too? Great.

"Did Giyuu here are her shit lies too?"

"Yeah.. but he went off on her and told her he didn't believe it" he shrugged his shoulders.

"That's something good to hear, I don't understand why Shinobu is like this. Don't tell me you believe her?" You said in a sad tone looking back up in his lavender eyes.

"Not after what you told me, I guess not. I just wanted to talk to you in person about everything and clear things up. You seem like a really sweet girl and I don't Giyuu getting his heart broken" he smiled at you sweetly and got up from the table.

"Thank god. Well I'm happy you came and told me it means a lot" you smiled back and followed him outside.

"Anytime Y/n, have a good day!"

"You too!" You watched as he walked off, making your way back inside you grabbed by the wrist Mitsuri who was helping a costumer and dragged her to the back room.

"What's wrong?" She frowned looking at your face which was filled with rage and sadness.

"Shinobu is spreading lies to Giyuu and his roommates about me" a small frown started to form in the corner of your lips.

"That girl has taken things way to far! We have to do something about her" Mitsuri grabbed both your wrists looking into your sad (e/c) eyes with passion.

"Like what?" You groaned at the thought of doing anything you're tired of this.

"Oh you'll see" a huge evil grin appeared on her face. Something bad was going to happen and you have the feeling that you're going to have to do something stupid..

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