Author's Note

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Hey guys, first of all I just wanted to thank you all for the love you show for this story. It's truly so great to open Wattpad every day and read all of your comments and messages. You really inspire me to keep up writing and continue to bring a smile on my face every day. Again thank you so much for all your support, I love you 3000❤️

Besides that I wanted to clear a few things out before you move to the next chapter.

So, for the sake of the story I decided to make a few, small changes into the timeline.

First of all Steve found Bucky before the New York invasion. Also Tony knew about Wakanda's technology and so he suggested they take him there.

It took Bucky about one year and a half to get rid of the Winter Soldier and then he went back to live with the rest of the team in the tower.

Steve knew about Tony's parents for a long time but still didn't tell him anything. Bucky had a huge amount of guilt but never spoke a word about it either.

Also after the invasion Loki did go in Asgard where he was imprisoned for less than a year. After that Thor convinced Odin to let him take Loki back to earth with him and promised to control him.

Thank you for reading this and I hope you don't mind about me making these changes. There will be an update later today so be patient 🥰

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