Chapter 37: The whole story (part 2)

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"Well after that we got her blood and guarded it with our lives. A few months later my friend Aura got very sick. She was one of the most powerful young witches in our coven and so nothing could happen to her. When the coven could no longer help her we had to take her somewhere else..." Your mother paused for a few seconds and looked again out of the window.

You could tell how painful this story was for her but you needed to know everything. The more you knew about the situation the more chances you had of getting out of it.

"Years before all that an elder witch of our coven left to earth as she was being hunt down. She was the only one that we could think of helping Aura and so we had to go to her. I was sent to help her and through a secret passage we arrived in New York within a matter of seconds. The witch was living in Chicago at the time so this is were we went. We were able to find her easily and she thankfully was able to save Aura but she needed time to rest, so all we could do was just stay there and wait."

"I'm sorry I think I just lost you..." You interrupted her but she ignored you.

"We stayed in Chicago for about two or three months and that's were I met your father. He was working at a supermarket at that time and me, being new to Midgard I needed a lot of help in there."

"What does you little love story has to do with what is happening to me?" You snapped as you felt that your time was running out faster and faster.

"That 'little love story' as you call it is the reason that you are here today so you may as well listen to it." You mother told you firmly.

"Okay you may have a point here but I really don't think I have that much time in my hands." You told her looking anxiously at your body behind you.

"Then I think I can speed things up for you sis."

The blood inside your veins suddenly froze as you heard a very familiar voice coming from behind of you. You looked at your mother with your eyes wide open, not wanting to turn around while she was already looking behind you with a shocked looked her face.

"Aren't you going to look at me, sis?" She said again and you slowly turned around to look at her.

She had a cold, pleased look on her face and was looking directly into your eyes. She looked and was dressed exactly like you only her hair was more wavy than your and quite purple. She had a terrifying smile on her face and she started slowly walking closer to you. Suddenly you took a few steps back but then immediately decided to stand still and face her.

"What are you doing here?" You asked her.

"Oh I am here to finish our mother's story." She laughed and looked at you mother.

"I am not your mother."  She told her dryly.

"Of course you are. Don't you know what happened next?"

"Mom just finish the story." You looked into her eyes, trying to hold back a few tears.

"About a month before we got back to Asgard me and you father started going out and just a few days before the journey I found out I was pregnant."

Your mother then turned to your unexpected guest and looked at her with disgust and hatred in her eyes. You could feel the tension between the two becoming more and more intense by the second. Your heart was still beating fast as hell and you constantly felt like you could not breath properly.

"By that time though your father had changed me..." You mother continued. "I was a different person and I wanted different things from life. That's why when the time came for us to go back to Asgard I did everything I could to avoid that. I decided to trust Aura with my pregnancy, thinking that she would help me but that was not the case. She took me to Asgard immediately and told the coven everything. They, of course, were excited that they were finally going to fulfill their destiny and no matter how much I begged them not to do it they force fed me Freyja's blood, making sure that I would bring her successor to the world."

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