Chapter 40: Goodbye

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The night before your return to earth you failed to get a descent amount of sleep. The whole night you run endless possibilities of what could happen during the spell and not all of them were good. It wasn't that you didn't trust Loki to do it, it was just the fear of Frey having grown so strong that she would be able to break it. You had reached a point in your life that you didn't care about dying anymore but only about keeping the people you loved and Asgard safe.

Loki pretended to sleep for most of the night, after you kept insisting that you were fine. He didn't want to put any more pressure on you than you already had. He wanted to reassure you that everything was going to be fine but he himself was even more worried than you. He feared that he would do the spell wrong and end up hurting you.

The worse thing about all this was that you could finally hear your boyfriend's thoughts. He was so stressed that he couldn't completely keep you out. Of course this was a bad thing because you had never imagined it going like that. You wanted Loki to let you in more than anything in the world but not because he couldn't help it. You wanted him to let you in because he wanted to.

When the night was finally over and the sun made it's appearance on the light blue sky, both you and Loki immediately jumped out of bed. You were obviously both stressed but neither would admit it, in order to keep the calm in the room.

You packed all the things you had brought with shacking hands. Frigga gave you some of her potion that contained Frey to take with you on Earth. She was also as stressed and anxious as everyone else but she still kept a sweet smile on her face to make you and her sons feel better.

When you were finally ready you said your last goodbyes to the Asgard and its people and headed to the Bifrost. Right outside of the castle there was carriage with two brown horses leading it.

You were really going to miss living like a royal on Asgard. Of course you were not going to remember any of this happening anyway, so probably you were not going to miss it after all. No matter what Asgard was beautiful and you wished you were able to live in it for the rest of your life.

Though maybe when Frigga and Loki find a solution you could do it.

Thor and Loki put all of your stuff on the carriage and got ready to leave when suddenly Lorien came running to you. Your face immediately lit up when you saw her. Frey was so rude to her and you needed to apologise before you got home and also you couldn't leave without saying goodbye.

"Lady y/n, wait!" She shouted.

"What is it Lorien?" You asked her worried.

"The...Allfather....has...." She tried to speak but she was all out of breath.

You walked up to her and took her hands in yours. She immediate looked up and you in the eyes and you smiled at her.

"Okay, Lorien, I need you to breath." You told her and you took a few deep breaths along with her. When she calmed down she stood still and tried to speak again.

"The Allfather has requested your presence. In the throne room." She told you and you looked at Thor and Loki in confusion.

Both of the brothers seemed to know nothing of what was going on, they seemed as clueless as you. You then turned your look at Frigga who was admittedly more calm and sure than her sons. She gave you a light nod and you followed Lorien to the throne room.

Two guards immediately opened the doors to the room as soon as they saw you and you slowly got in. Odin was sitting on his golden throne and didn't even flinch when you entered.

Why would he want to see you? He hadn't even bothered to talk to you while you were in Asgard.

"Y/n!" He suddenly said with a smile and stood up. He started walking down the stairs one by one as you got closer to the throne.

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