Chapter 38: I know you

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Frey disappeared in a blink of an eye and you immediately fell on your knees while countless tears started running down your cheeks. The worse thing of all was not that she had taken over your body but that you believed her words. Maybe she was right after all, the normal flow of the story would be her in this body, revenging Freyja's death but instead it was you.

It took you a few seconds to finally remember you mother's words and get it together again. She may had the upper hand now but you were charging up and you were going to fight her till the end of the line.

You slowly stood up and walked towards the television on the wall. You could see every move very clear but no matter how hard you tried you could not hear any of her thoughts. You needed to find out what she wanted to do while she was in control of the body.

Why would she fight so hard just to stay in your body for a limited amount of time?

It had been almost and hour and she had still done nothing. She was acting normal and was talking to everyone like you would.

Her moves did not make any sense, until she finally arrived inside the palace and bumped into Loki.

"Hey you..." She smiled at him.

Her voice sounded like it was coming from far away. It was like you were inside your body but at the same time you weren't. You could see, hear and feel anything she did but you couldn't speak, walk or even think clearly.

"Hey." Loki smiled at her too.

His voice was even more distant. It was like you were inside a cinema that had a very bad sound system. You wanted to scream his name but even this felt impossible. This may as well be your worst nightmare.

"So, did you take a walk?" Loki asked Frey softly.

"Oh, yes, you know me. One minute I am..." She paused as she didn't even the basics about you.

You could see from the way she was acting that she didn't really pay attention to you while she was in here.

Maybe that was the leverage that you were looking for.

Maybe Loki would figure out that this was not really you.

"The library?" He finally completed her sentence.

"Yes! Right. One minute I am at the library and the other I am out on a walk." Frey laughed awkwardly.

"Right..." Loki looked at her suspiciously but just when he was about to say something she cut him shortly.

"So, how was your morning?"

"Hunting was good. I even made progress with father."

"That's nice. You seem to be making a lot of progress lately."

She suddenly seemed way more confident and changed her attitude completely. This was definitely not a good sign and you had to do something, only you didn't know what.

You started looking around the room for anything that could help you get out but there was literary nothing in there. Not only you didn't have access to your body but your mind was closed as well. You had nowhere to go but this room and you had no way of helping Loki from in there.

"I don't think I understand. Are you okay y/n?" Loki asked confused.

"Oh I am great babe."



"Yeah, you know. Like you are my boyfriend. seem to be making significant progress with everyone but me?"

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