Part 1: Shadows

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Thomas carried that ring with him every single day.

"You've got to let her go mate." Newt speaks,
He processed things a lot quicker than Thomas did, eventually finding his peace, he knew y/n would want him to be happy,

Thomas doesn't answer him. He doesn't listen, y/n was his one true love and one way or another he was going to be with her.

What's the point of being here, the whole reason we did this was to be safe and the one person I needed, more than anything isn't here to see it.

Thomas thought these things daily, to the point where he finally gave in to these thoughts, wanting to die. Only to be with y/n.

He blames himself for everything, all of it.

Not at least burying her, taking her body back, he couldn't work up the courage to cross her name off the wall and he damn well wouldn't let anyone else do it.

He told himself he would do it tonight, when everyone was asleep, the only thing he did have left of y/n, was the pistol.

The clip was full, all except the one bullet, the gunshot that took the love of his life.

"Thomas?" Minho tries,

He hums in response,

"Do you want to come outside maybe?"

"No thanks." Thomas shrugs him off.

Thomas has been in a depressed state for the entire two years, the boys felt awful. Without their leader, the man who helped them get where they are now.

Minho walks back to the others, "He can't seriously stay like this forever, we have to do something."

"Like bloody what? Get y/n back." Newt speaks sarcastically,

"No, we need to get him to cross her name off the wall, it might bring him peace."

Fry joins, "I don't think that's how it works, that probably is the only thing that's keeping him sane Minho."

"Oh yeah? So what do you propose Fry?"

"We need to take him back to the mountains, for closure, then he'll see for himself."

*sorry for the short chapter, I decided to make a spin off since y'all loved my story so much! Future chapters will be longer, this is just an intro.
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