Part 6: Tell me more

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"It's not over, if he finds us.." I sigh,

"Besides the point, we need to get rid of them, once and for all, they're testing on children, younger than us, it's practically torture. I wanted to go back and help but I knew if I did, I'd be on one of those tables too."

I look at Thomas, "It's you they really want."

"What? Why me?"

"They believe you're the cure, your blood."

"We can't go back." Gally speaks,

"I know but I just don't think it's the right thing to do. I mean if it was you, wouldn't you want someone to rescue you?" I question,


"Liar, seriously Gally you don't know how bad it is in the city!"

"And I don't want to know."

"God I used to think I missed your dead face, jerk."

The rest of the trip back was spent in silence.


We landed easily, one by one we got off. Me and Thomas last, I was a bit nervous to be back. For anyone who wasn't on the aircraft, they didn't know I was alive.

"No fucking way." I hear from my left, Teresa.

"Nice to see you too!" I flip her off.

Two small children run up to me. Behind them Minho comes along,

"Is this her daddy?! Aunt y/n!" The girl asks,

"She's alive! Wow you really are as cool as daddy said, how did you survive a gunshot?"

I raise an eyebrow, "You have kids?" I ask,

He smiles, nodding.

I get down on my knees and give the kids each a hug, which they happily accepted.

"Wow you two are so adorable! What are your names?" I ask,

"I'm Suki!" The girl says.

"I'm Chuck!" The boy says.

I smile intently at that, it warms my heart that he named his child after our young friend. I really wish he could be here today, the safe haven was beautiful. He would have loved it.

"Where's the mother?" I ask Minho,

"Mommy had to go away, she got sick." Chuck answers for him.

"Oh Minho, I'm so sorry." I hug him tight, he hugs back. "If you ever need any help, I'm here for you."

He doesn't speak, only doing his best to force a smile.

The girl pulls on my hand, "are you married!?"

"Uhm." I laugh, "Kind of, engaged."

She smiles, "Do you have any kids?"

"No I don't."

A voice speaks behind me, "Why not?"

Thomas. He wraps his arms around my torso,

"Tommy is your husband?" She asks,

Thomas gives me a sly look, smirking.

"I didn't say husband." My face turns slightly red.

"It has a nice ring to it." He kisses my cheek.

"Hmm, what about Wife? I like that."

He smiles before giving me a sweet but short kiss.

Thomas takes my hand leading around the camp, to meet more than just Minho's beautiful children.

"Y/n!?" Mary comes up to us,

"Uh, yeah haha that's me." I speak nervously,

"Wow, how'd you do it, please sit!" She pulls out a chair, built from their own supplies.

I look at Thomas, "It's fine, I'll be back."

And with that he walks off.

Leaving me and Mary to chat. "Do what?" I ask,

"Everyone thought you were dead."

"Oh, well I kind of had to, sorry about that~"

"Don't be!" She smiles, "I'm just glad you're back."

"So, was there any non immunes in the camp? Any that got infected I mean, because hell I don't even know if I'm immune or not."

"Yeah actually, Brenda."

I raise an eyebrow, she looked completely fine.

"Thomas is the cure." She tells me, confirming it.

Now I knew, Janson would be back. Once he finds our location, it would be set, we'll have to fight.

It's not over, it's never over.

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