Part 13: The truth

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We head back to the vehicle. This time I take the middle, sitting between Thomas and Newt.

"You okay love?" Newt asks,

The moment it came out of his mouth, Love.
I felt Thomas squeeze my hand.

"Yeah, fine thanks." I yawn,

"You haven't had a good nights rest since WICKED, have you?" He questions.

I can't tell exactly which part he was talking about. I could feel Thomas's hands become for sweaty, with his hand in mine.

Perhaps Newt was talking about the slightly more comfortable beds, since now we were sleeping on concrete, with blankets and sleeping bags.

Me and Thomas were lucky to have a bed back there.
But now we would have no time to rest. We have to find Minho and bring him back.

"Not since the maze." I sigh.

I lean into Thomas once again, finding comfort in his warmth, I felt horrible, so sick and exhausted.
This was the first time it happened and I was hoping it would just go away sooner than later.

"Get some rest." Thomas whispers,

And I try to, but sleep never came. The entire ride I felt like throwing up, I didn't want them to stop again. I already felt bad enough stopping once.


"Yes baby?"

"I. think. I'm gonna~" my eyes slowly flutter shut and everything goes black.

*Arrival to the mountains* (3rd person)

"Let me help." Newt speaks,

"I'm good, thanks anyway."

"She's my friend too Thomas, stop being jealous."
Newt argues.

"She's my wife!"

"Not legally."

"Don't care, leave her alone Newt. I know what you're doing, you're just mad she chose me."

They lock eyes, giving each other a death stare. Honestly, They would have fought right then and there if it wasn't for y/n's unconscious figure in the truck.

"Thomas!" Mary calls,

She comes up to the boys. Stopping herself when she see's y/n.

"Goodness, is she alright?"

"She just passed out." Newt answers for him.

"Please, take her to my tent! I have a cot set up."

Thomas picks her up, carrying her to the tent. Mary walks alongside him.

When they get inside Thomas sets y/n down gently in the cot and they take a seat on the floor.

"Is she dehydrated?"

"No couldn't be that."

"Okay, well, had she fainted before?" She asks,

"Well uhm she got knocked out a few times but hasn't fainted like this, she did throw up before it though." He answers.

"Oh okay, good to know, anything else? Mood swings? Strange appetite? Sensitive in any way?"

"She uh~" he looks at her unconscious figure,
"Always had bad mood swings so I can't tell but other than that I don't think so."

"Okay, Thomas. This may be a weird question but it's important."


"When was the last time you two~" she pauses, not quite knowing how to say something like that to a teenager.

His eyes widen, "No, you don't think she's?
No, that doesn't make sense, she would have told me."

"She might not know herself."

Thomas answers nervously,
"Maybe uhm, A week ago, and before that back in the scorch at wicked." His voice comes out shaky.

"How long ago would you say that was? In WCKD? From the exact date? If you can remember?"

Thomas got nervous from all her questions, especially since he was kind of asking about his sex life. Not only that but she was implying that y/n could possibly be pregnant.

Even though he trusted Mary, it was strange to talk about this type of thing with an adult, especially another female.

"I can't remember, it was~" he really didn't want to say it, "is it really that important?!" He blurts.

"Yes Thomas I know this might feel awkward for you but I need to know, it would explain the sickness and fainting."

He rolls his eyes, then he takes a deep breath.

"I don't really remember because she was with Newt at the time, it wasn't supposed to happen."
"Maybe a little over a month." Finally he answers.

Mr. Cure ~ Thomas x reader x Newt (book 3)Where stories live. Discover now