Part 19: Lets make this clear

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When I woke up Thomas was already gone.
The only person who did wake me up was Newt,

"Ready love?" He asks,

I stretch my arms, "Get out so I can change."

"It's nothing I haven't seen before."

I throw my pillow at him. He laughs in return,
finally walking out. I climb out of my sleeping bag and throw on some fresh, clean clothes.

Then I walk out to join him and Jorge.

"Hey sleepyhead." Jorge greets me,


"Hello y/n!" Mary greets,

"Hello." I speak again.

Mary would also be joining us.

"Woke up on the wrong side of the tent huh?"
He teases.

"No, I'm just sore is all."

"Let's get going then." He speaks.

Surprisingly Thomas never woke me up to say goodbye. I couldn't understand why he'd do that.

Me and Newt sit together in the truck while Jorge drives, as usual. Mary sits in the passenger seat.

The ride was a long one, taking atleast two hours to get to the city, probably longer.

Newt places his hand on my thigh, pulling his hand up, closer and closer. I smack his hand away,

I give him a look, "Stop it." I scold.

He smiles to himself, "Fine."

This whole affair thing made me think, I am a shitty person, what have I become? Turning two best friends against each other because of my selfishness.
Because I couldn't choose.
They were both head over heels in love with me.

Well Newt is. After Thomas left me like that, without saying goodbye, it had me thinking, overthinking.
Does he regret proposing? Does he hate me?
Does he know? About us? About the baby?
No, that's impossible.

I felt a disgusting warmth fill my throat,
"Jorge, stop the car!" I gag, trying to keep it in.

"Is everything okay love?" Newt asks,

When he stops I jump out to vomit, on the side of the road, on the concrete. God I felt horrible,
Morning sickness. Great.

"I'm fine." I wipe my mouth.
"I feel disgusting."

Newt puts a hand on my face, "You look beautiful."

"Thanks." I reply before turning around to vomit again, he rubs my back trying to ease the pain even slightly, it helped.

When I felt good enough, Newt helped me back to the car, but before I got in Mary came out to my side,

"Wait, but if you've been gone for two years and before that was the scorch... you've only been with Thomas, correct?"

"Why's that any of your concern?"

"I'm not here to judge." She speaks,

How would she have any clue about this?

"You told her?!" I accuse Newt,

"I uhm~ y/n I just.."

"You don't think it's yours." I cut him off.

"No! It's just that I don't think it could work!
I'm sick! I have the flare y/n, I'm infected! Maybe I don't want it to be mine! What if your baby is infected too! And now you could be!" He confessed.

"Both of you need to be completely honest."
Mary speaks, looking at me. "Now or never."

"Fine, you wanna know. Gally was right I am a whore! Surprise! The same night I got back, I fucked Thomas, okay? And then when I was done, I went back to Newt and we had sex too. So yeah, maybe this is my fault, I'm sorry okay!" I lash out.

The only reason Newt was so surprised walking in on me and Thomas that morning was because I was with him that night. That's the truth.

"Newt?" She asks,

"It's true." He sighs, putting a hand on his head.

My life was a complete mess and it wasn't getting any better, any less confusing any time soon.
This was the first time I've been completely honest in awhile. Truly. It felt good to get it out, to hear it.
To rid it from my head. Let it all go.

But honestly, things couldn't be anymore difficult.

Minho's captured.
Teresa betrayed us.
Thomas left me, alone.
Newt wanted me.
Gally hated me.
The others were just, there.

Mr. Cure ~ Thomas x reader x Newt (book 3)Where stories live. Discover now