If you chose Thomas to live

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"Thomas stop moving."

"Y/n you don't have to do this."

"Yes I do Thomas, I love you,
it's always gonna be you."

He complied, standing still as I injected him with the blue liquid. The cure. He was going to be alright.

But Newt wasn't, black liquid leaked from his mouth, his eyes were big, he laughed quietly to himself.

"Newt..." I began,

He cut me off, "No, it's fine. In the end I get what I've always desired, right? Well, not all of it, just death. And not you. I had you though, for awhile."
"But Tommy doesn't know that." He smirks,
"Does he?" "Tell him y/n."

Thomas and I make eye contact.
"What is he talking about?" He asks,

"Tell him y/n, tell him how he doesn't satisfy you like I do, how you came to me, every time."
"Tell him about the affair,
If we do this, Tommy can't know. TELL HIM!"
He quoted my once said words. It was the truth.

Thomas's eyes began to water,
"What did you do y/n?" He mumbles,

"Thomas I'm sorry, it just happened."

"How long?"


"How long have you been
fucking him behind my back?"

"I- Thomas." A tear falls down my cheek,

"Y/n, seriously."

"I don't know, it was only a few times but I swear it meant nothing."

"Cheating means nothing?"

"YES THOMAS, sure if that's what you want to call it, please can we just~"
I was thrown off by Newt lunging at Thomas.
Tackling him to the floor.

Newt choked Thomas as he desperately tried to grab the gun on the floor, so close yet so far away from him.

I ran and picked up the gun,
I pointed it at Newt.
Causing him to stop what he was doing, Thomas took the moment of distraction to push Newt off of him. Quickly he stood up and came to my side.

"DO IT!" Newt yelled,
"Kill me if you've ever been my friend, Kill me!"

I had to, he was turning.
There was nothing I could do.
I pulled the trigger.

I shot him, in the head.

His body fell down, I couldn't look.
I wouldn't bring myself to do that.

"Let's go." Thomas spoke,

I followed him, running alongside him.
We ran through a building, the others were on fire.
This one would surely fall soon.
Please be there, I thought.

My thoughts distracted me as I tripped over something, hurting my ankle in the process.

"SHIT OH FUCK." I yelled in pain,

"What's wrong?!" Thomas came back to find me on the ground.

"My ankle!"

Thomas wastes no time in picking me up bridal style.
Pushing open a door, Where are they?

The room we were just in burst into flames,
Only a few more minutes and we'd have been toast.

Thomas set me down.
Looking deep into my eyes,
"I'm so sorry Tommy." I cried,

"I forgive you, if we die tonight, I love you."
He kisses me, passionately.
I felt free with this kiss, if I was going down.
It would be with the one I love.
I know that now.



"You know why I picked you right?"


"Because even though I don't deserve you, you are the most perfect human I've ever met. And I'm so lucky to have ever been able to call you mine, even if it's not now, or never again, I love you."

"I'll always be yours y/n."

Then we hear whirring and yelling,
"COME ON!" Minho yelled,
"JUMP!" Frypan yelled.

Thomas picked me up setting me on my feet,
Well foot since it hurt so badly to put any weight on it.

He helped me limp across, first I ran.
It hurt like hell but I did it.
I jumped, then Thomas it was his turn.

I encouraged him.

He ran and jumped, his hands only grabbing the side, quickly all the boys helped pull him in.

I immediately engulfed him in a bear hug.
As well as the others one by one.

Minho helped me to a chair, buckling me in safe.
With Thomas by my side.

I grabbed his hand, he smiled at me.
Giving me a sense of relief.

After our last moments together,
We decided it was best that Minho crossed Newt's name off the wall. Thomas crossed off Teresa's name. It was my fault she died that night.
In the building, unconscious.

Of course he forgave me, I vowed never to do anything to hurt him, ever again.

Especially after our baby girl was born.
With deep, dark brown eyes. Father like daughter.
It was his baby. This brought us so much closer together. He got up during the nights every time,
Rocking her back to sleep, singing her lullaby's.
Changing diapers and feeding her.

I couldn't have gotten any more lucky.

End of book three.

I love you all! This was such a fun series to write, even if there has been a few bumps in the road, here we are!

Let me know if you enjoyed <3

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Mr. Cure ~ Thomas x reader x Newt (book 3)Where stories live. Discover now