Part 31: Response

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Then, the alarms went off.

"Shit."  Newt mumbles,

"They know." Thomas announces,

"Yup." Frypan agrees,

"This is just fucking great." I roll my eyes.
Quickly I turn around, pinning Teresa to the wall.

"This wasn't me I swear!" She cries,

"Why should we trust you?" I growl,

"I was here the whole time!"

"Y/n! Stop, we gotta go!" Thomas yells,

I keep my hand firm on her throat, pulling her back and in a flash banging her head against the wall, knocking her out cold.

"What the hell!?" Thomas yells again,

"She deserved it." I shrug him off.

"Y/n I don't care if you're hormonal that's not~"

I cut him off, "That's not even how it works jackass."

"GUYS!" Newt interrupts,
We turn around to see what he was looking at.
Only one of WICKED's men had found us, from around the corner, charging us.

"DON'T MOVE!" The man demands,

Thomas is quick to pull his weapon,
Shooting him in his chest.
He'd be fine, bullet proof vest.

He went down, then we heard screams down the hall, familiar in a way.

We immediately ran, following the noise.

I pull my pistol but Newt is quick to stop me,
"We aren't here to kill anyone."

"You think I don't know that? And do I care?
No, besides, they have vests, we don't."

We come around the corner and see Minho.
Fighting off a guard. Thomas is quick to take him down.

Minho looks up to see his rescuers, us.
He runs and hugs Thomas and Newt first,
Then Frypan and lastly myself.

"Good to see you." I smile,

"I missed you guys." He responds.

"Trust me, we missed you too but I think y/n missed you most." Thomas speaks.

"HEY!" our sappy moment was ruined by Janson and a dozen of his men running after us.
We took off into a room, half of it was just a huge window. We boarded up the door with everything we could find, tables, chairs.

It wouldn't hold forever.

"We can't get caught!" Fry speaks,

"I haven't found the cure yet!" I agree,

"We have no choice!" Thomas argues.
But it was completely true. We were cornered.
Unless the cure just so happened to be...

"Oh my god! THERE!" I run to one of the cabinets.

In a brightly lit container I found one blue vile,
The cure for the flare.

Mr. Cure ~ Thomas x reader x Newt (book 3)Where stories live. Discover now