Part 11: Fix it

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"Y/n?" A voice whispers from the entrance,


He walks in, showing himself. I stand up, letting go of Thomas's hand, careful not to move him.

"Y/n I'm so so sorry, really I don't know what came over me I just got so mad and you were there and I~"

I cut him off, "It's fine, I deserved it."

"No, you didn't y/n. This is my fault, he's on that table because of me, I'm the one who deserved to be hit, not you and not him."

"Well, I forgive you." I mumble.

He smiles, "Friends again?"

"We always were friends Minho." I walk up to him, engulfing him in a gentle hug.

His face falls when he sees a close up of my cheek, the yellow turned to a red/dark purple.

"I'm fine, really."

"I know I just feel horrible, what can I do to fix it?"

"Well, could stay with him for a moment?" I ask,

"Of course." He sits in the chair and I make my way back outside.

I hear whirring, like a plane. But bigger, louder.

Teresa runs up to me, "Where is Thomas?!"

"He's still out. Why?"

"I'm sorry y/n, I hope you can understand."

"What? Understand what?"

"Why I did it." She speaks.

The helicopters swarm the safe haven, getting closer by the minute. Coming into view. WCKD was plastered on the side of the aircrafts.

"No! No, no no Teresa how could you do this!?
What have you done!"

I run back to the med hut as fast as I could, swerving in and out of the people already crowding and running around. Trying to clear a path back.

I ducked, being startled by a sudden flash of light,

Missiles, bombs.


I don't stop running, I was close, so damn close. Things were caught on fire, everything.
People died.


He immediately gets up from the chair,

"They're here! WICKED!" I yell,


"Teresa, she told them where we are! They're here!"

I run to the table, "Oh Tommy please, PLEASE wake up now! You have to wake up now!" I beg him.

There was nothing I could do.

"What am I gonna do Minho?" I panic,

"I don't know, we have to help! Fight back! They won't take anyone." He runs out,

I made the hardest decision in my life,

Leaving him.


He gets off the aircraft along with the women I saw in my dreams, Ava.

Their men had guns, Janson had a gun. Ava didn't.

We fought back, I met up with Brenda, she handed me a pistol, she had a rifle.
I shot their men without hesitation, as did everyone else.

Harriet, Sonya, Brenda, Gally, everyone who had a weapon.

"Where's Newt!?" I ask, finally finding someone I knew, Frypan.

"Don't know!" He yells over the gunfire,

"We have to find him!"

"We will, don't worry!"

Men on our side like Lawrence had the machine guns, attached to the trucks firing at the enemy,
in our case anyone from WICKED.

Someone pushes me along,
Minho, again.

"I'm not leaving you! I'm not leaving anyone again!"

He knows he couldn't argue with me, I was staying, fighting no matter what.
I wouldn't leave my friends,
My family.

I saw a blue flash of light,


It was too late, he was hit. Being electrocuted and paralyzed for the moment. If I touched him I'd be shocked too. The men began to swarm me, all of us.

"GET DOWN!" A boy pulls me away, behind a crate.

"Newt!? We have to help him!" When I try to run his direction I'm stopped by a bullet nearly hitting my hand, causing me to take cover once again.

"MINHO!" A familiar voice yells, running to him.


Lawrence pulled him away before he could help,

"THOMAS!" Newt yelled as he struggled to get out of his grasp.

Minho was being carried away by WCKD's men.

Jorge grabs me before I could make my move,

"Minho! MINHO!" I yell as he drags me away.

Janson and his men retreat on to their plane, taking Minho with him.

That reminded me, his children.

Where were they? Were they okay?
Are they even alive? Thoughts flooded my mind as I had to eventually run, there was, once again...
Nothing I could do.

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