Reindeer Games

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Katherine accompanies Steve to the closet where his uniform is kept.

"There you go, Captain." She smiles at him. He was looking his uniform intently. "I'll leave it to you. Surely you don't need help any further." She teases.

"I wouldn't mind though." Steve replies, returning her gesture.

Katherine's smirk breaks into a laughter. "I'll see you in the jet. Good luck."

"Can I take you out for dinner after all this is over?... I mean I haven't had the chance to do this 70 years ago..but.. it just felt right to.. you know.. atleast ask you...oh god. Just forget I said anything." Steve struggles to speak his mind.

"Why should I forget? Yes I would love you to go for dinner with you." Katherine says to Steve's relief.

"Later, then." Steve smiles.

"Later." Katherine smiles and leaves to get changed.


Location: Inside the Quinjet

Steve and was already seated in the quinjet when Katherine enters, fully suited in her dark blue cat suit.

She nods at Steve and walk up to Natasha and smiles at her.

"I know things are happening. You have tell all of it to me later." Natasha whispers.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Katherine whispers back.

"Oh come on. Really?" Natasha smirks.

"He's asked me out." Katherine replies sheepishly.

"Oh. Fuck. That was fast. Okay. You're blushing too much, Kitty." Natasha smirks.

"Alright. Shut up." Katherine says and walks back.

Steve hears all of it and smiles.

"Ready?" He asks Katherine when she comes and sit beside him.

"Yeah. Time to meet a God." She says as the quinjet ascends.


Location: Germany

"That bastard is going to kill the old man!" Katherine shouts as they see Loki pointing his sceptre at an old man who was standing up amongst the kneeled people.

"No. Not on my watch." Steve's says and jumps out.

"Show off." Katherine shouts.

"Look to your elder people, let him be and example." Loki says and points his sceptre at the man, when Steve jumps in between and uses his sheild to guard himself and the man. Loki falls down due the impact of the vibranuim shield.

"Clever boy." Katherine smirks from the quinjet

"You know, the last time I was in Germany, and saw a man standing above everybody else, we ended up disagreeing." Steve says as he walks forward towards Loki.

"The Soldier" Loki laughs sinisterly and get up. "The man out of time." he smiles.

"I'm not the one who's out of time." Steve replies almost immediately.

The quinjet descends and points a machine gun at Loki.

"Loki, drop the weapon and stand down." Katherine's voice is heard.

Like greased lightning, Loki sends a blast of blue at the Quinjet. Natasha maneuvers it just in time, giving Steve the time to throw his shield at Loki.

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