Past Trauma

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Katherine's phone rings, waking her up. She fetches her phone from the bedside table. An unknown number flashes on her screen.

"Hello?" Katherine says groggily.

"Morning, Sunshine!" A familiar voice greets, but Katherine couldn't put together who.

"I'm sorry, who's this?" She asks.

"Wow. You really did forget me. I'm kind of hurt." The man laughs.

Katherine recognises this laugh. "Steve?" She asks.

"Thank God." Steve replies.

"Jesus! It's 4:30 in the morning!" She whines.

"I know. Get up and get changed. Let's go for a run." He offers.

"wHy!!" Katherine whines again.

"Will I be seeing you this morning, Agent Barton?" He asks in a formal tone.

The line stays silent for a few seconds.

"Kate?" Steve calls.

"Yes. Yes you will, Captain Rogers." She replies chuckling.

"Great. See you at your place at 5." He says.

"See you." She replies and hangs up.

Katherine gets off of her bed and heads towards the bathroom to freshen up. She puts on a mint green fitness pants and top, and white running shoes. She puts her hair in a pony tail.

Exactly at 5, someone rings her door bell

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Exactly at 5, someone rings her door bell. She opens the door to find a pair of baby blue orbs looking at her. A small smile on his face.

"Good morning." He greets.

"Hmm. Good morning indeed. Come on in. Let me get my keys." She smiles.

Steve walks in. "You don't have any pockets. Where will carry your phone and keys?" He asks.

"You use your phone while running?" She chuckles.

"No. I don't. But I do carry it." He replies.

"Nah. I'm leaving it here." Katherine says and both of them walk out of the apartment.

"Keys?" Steve points out.

"You ask a lot of questions, Rogers. Are planning on robbing me or something? Why do you want to know where I keep my keys?" Katherine says locking the door behind them.

"No. God, no. Just curious." Steve says sheepishly.

"Don't worry. The keys stay with the security guard at the gate." She replies.

"What? -- " Steve asks, but stops when he sees an aged guard greeting Katherine.

"Hey, Philip! How are you?" Katherine says.

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