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**fluff ahead.

Katherine is buzzing with energy. Is it because of the run? Or is it because she is supposed to go on a date with a certain blue eyed blond?

Definitely. Definitely, because of the run. Yeah. Totally.

At around 3 pm, she begins to put together her outfit. Steve is not a very fancy kind of a her person, and he did say to dress casualy, which kind of saves her the pain of wearing a dress and heavy makeup.

She pulls out a pair of knee ripped jeans and a black off shoulder top. Her favourite bracelets and the forever winning, black ankle boots.

She does her make up as light as possible.

She does her make up as light as possible

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Exactly at 6, her door bell rings. She smiles at his stupid perfectness.

Katherine opens the door to a smiling Steve, looking absolutely dashing in a maroon shirt and dark grey pants. The arm veins on display and not to forget his buff muscles.

 The arm veins on display and not to forget his buff muscles

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{Without the beard and sunglasses, of course.}

"Hey." Katherine smiles at the blond. She motions him to come inside.

"You look breathtaking by the way, Captain." Katherine says putting her boots on.

"Don't steal my line. I am supposed to say that." Steve flirts back.

"You would have said it already of you wanted to." Katherine teases the man.

"Hey. No. It's not my fault that I needed time to take all of you in." Steve defends himself.

"That's what she said." Katherine smirks.

"What? Who?" Steve furrows his brows in confusion.

Katherine laughs. "Oh god. I'll explain the reference to you later. Shall we?" She asks grabbing her bag and keys.

"Yes. Let go."

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