The End Of The Beginning

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I knew, deep down, that Technoblade was right. Tommy would probably be better off dead than facing the guilt of what he did whilst alive.
But there was always a small part of me that knew that I could save him. He surely didn't mean to do it, and if what Technoblade said was true, and he was insane, than surely that could be fixed?
I couldn't forget that even whilst insane, whilst on a killing spree, he spared me.
He didn't just kill me to get to tubbo, he strategically placed an explosion where it wouldn't hurt me too badly, and although I was still limping, the wound itself had all but healed.
Technoblade and Philza were thinking of battle plans, Niki was trying to gain support and I - I was exactly where I wanted to be, walking down the prime path, towards the bench I knew tommyinnit was sat at.
As I neared it, I heard music. Not mellohi, nor cat. Chirp. One of tubbos favourites. And there, right there on the bench, staring into the sunset with grey eyes, was the person who killed him.
I sat down next to him and saw him tense up.
'I don't blame you, you know.'
He turned to me, astonished
'I'm a murderer. I killed your best friend.'
'I still don't blame you. You do know I live with an anarchist, you had your reasons, I'm sure. I want to try to understand you. I was mad, at first, but in your place, I think I may have killed him instead. And we both know how easily I could have been in your place and Im not sure I would have survived it. I owe you my life Tommy.'
He stared at me, and he seemed not to believe what he was hearing
' but-but your friend!?'
' you're my friend too Tommy. '
To say he looked surprised was a major understatement, and I had to remember that he wasn't used to affection from anyone but dream
'what do you want from me.'
He stood up, and looked at the ground
'everyone that's ever cared has wanted something. Tubbo wanted power. Dream wanted me to destroy l'manburg. I don't even know what wilbur wanted but he forced me to do as he said nonetheless. What do you want. Why do you care.'
'I don't want anything but for you to know that I'm here for you.'
And I stood up and hugged him, feeling him lean into it, and a small burn from his tears.
I told Technoblade and Philza what had happened with Tommy and, again, Phil looked shocked whilst techno did not.
' well I guess we found out who Tommy has a soft spot for then.'
I stared at him intently, trying to figure out what was going on.
he noticed that Phil and I looked confused, and continued
'Tommy has a soft spot for you. From what I've heard, he isn't letting anyone near him. You obviously broke down that barrier.
Wilbur had a soft spot for Tommy, they did have arguments, but if anyone else had spoken to wilbur the way he did, then their chances of survival.... Basically nonexistent. '
I stared, all the more shocked.
'is there a way to... Break the madness?' I asked, hoping desperately for a yes.
'probably... But not that I know of.'
Yes. There has to be a way.
At that moment, Niki walked in, closely followed by people I recognised as captainpuffy and Awsamdude.
Technoblade stood up.
Puffy spoke first :' hello! We heard this was a organisation to defeat dream? And free Tommy?'
Sam nodded in agreement.
Technoblade also nodded, before replying.
'yes... You are interested then.?'
They both nodded.
'good. Then let's catch you up on some things.'
They took their seats at the table.
'sooo.. How much do you already know?' said Technoblade, shrugging
Sam answered this time, in a very tired voice.
'Tommy was exiled by tubbo, dream was probably horrible to him, he faked suicide and blew up logstedshire, and now, a month after, he's back and on dreams side. He appears to be insane, he blowed up l'manburg and killed tubbo.'
Technoblade nodded.
Puffy started to speak too
' we were already trying to do something similar to you, but Tommy isn't speaking to anyone. I think the first step would be to figure out what happened in his exile. '
Technoblade smiled.
' you're right about the plan of action I suppose, but otherwise wrong. Ranboo was just speaking to him a second ago, and tommy even let ranboo hug him. '
Sam suddenly sat bolt upright
' Is he OK? What did dream do to him? What did he say to you?'
They all looked at me expectantly.
' he reckons he's a murderer, doesn't think anyone but dream cares about him, and when I told him that he was my friend he asked me what I wanted from him.' I finished, making note of the shocked expressions on everyone's but techno and phils face's.
Puffy spoke first.
' what the muffin happened to Tommy in exile. '
I continued to speak, knowing that I likely knew the most about this.
' I don't know much, but I think he was actually on the point of suicide several times, he kept photos of tubbo and the rest of us everywhere, dream - dream abused him. Emotionally and physically.'
I heard puffy, Philza and Niki gasp, although Sam only sunk a little in his seat and techno remained indifferent.
I could tell they were looking for more information, so I went on.
' every day, dream would show up, and blow Tommy's things up. Every day. Sometimes I would show up to see him and he would have burns, either dream was forcing him to stand too close as a torture method or this was one of tommys suicide attempts.
I also know that dream was trying to convince Tommy that dream was his only friend, which, if had suceeded, would explain tommys actions.
Dream. Dream tortured Tommy, sometimes just for fun. I saw it once. It was horrible, and I don't think I even saw the worst of it. Tommy knew I was there and tried to cover his pain, but even then - He had barricaded me in with obsidian. I had no pickaxe or anything. He was scared of them. I know a little of what he went through. '
They all looked at me amazed, and even Technoblade had shock plastered across his face.
I continued, I needed Phil and Niki, the two people who weren't convinced that Tommy was good, to know what he did for me.
' It could have been me. Easily. I - I also burnt down Georges house.'
The look of shock was getting a little old now.
'he could have blamed it all on me. Easily. I don't know if any of you remember, but he admitted to the crime only when I was blamed. The whole crime. And I can't stop thinking :at any point during his suffering, he could have blamed it on me, but he didn't. He took it on alone. And - and if I had been in his place..
I think that he would be standing here.
And I would be a murderer. '
1210 words POG!!

you are an amazing person who deserves everything good in life
You are wonderful and the idiots in your life don't deserve to know you
You deserve happiness

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