I Can't Think Of A Name. Lol.

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I can't remember how long I was sitting there. Tapping my foot on the oakwood floors, staring at the ceiling,
Flicking through some books.
Doing anything but thinking.
I hadn't dared to think ever since tubbo died.
Thinking would mean letting the pain in and I didn't want to do that. I really didn't.
There were other things too.
Why dream had summoned Tommy, the bruises on his face and arms, although he told me he was fine. The fact that Niki, Sam and puffy also left the cell at the same time as me, but were apparently still sentenced to death. I had seen what loss did to a person, and I didn't want to go through that myself. Ever. Even if I had to block everything out.
Tommy let grief in. I know he did.
Even before exile.
I saw him looking at the ground, blinking furiously whenever someone called him a child, or immature, or annoying.
I heard his breathing speed up whenever someone yelled.
And I felt bad. Guilty.
Because I had done nothing about it.
But I also know that he sometimes didn't. I know that for the first few days of exile, he was still smiling when I came to visit him.
After the first week, I saw purple bags under his eyes, and scars on his wrists, and burns on his hands and face. But he still smiled.
At around the two week mark, I didn't visit for 4 days. I was busy, busy with tubbo in l'manburg.
When I came then, he didn't smile.
I saw tables and umbrellas on the beach. I saw dreams smirk. I saw it all. The malnourishment, and the gauntness of his face. The scars, so many of them, somehow more visible now. The way he flinched at sudden movement, shook when I raised my voice. The marks left by dried tears on his face. And a ledge in the nether. Right above the lava.
But I saw none of that before, even though it was always there.
You could hide the world behind a convincing smile.
If he could hide his pain from me, I could certainly hide it from myself.
Just for a while.
Tommy certainly did.
I heard he wanted to have a party. To see everyone.
In those four days I didn't show up.
And when he said 'why didn't you come?' I said 'I was busy Tommy.'
I was busy.
I didn't go to his party, and I didn't even know it was happening.
I heard it from Ghostbur, a week later. Ghostbur was gone too. He disappeared, just before technos execution.
Technos execution.
I wonder if Tommy even knew it was happening, even now.
It sounds like the sort of thing dream would want to tell Tommy.
He would twist it beyond recognition.
He would say tubbo led the butcher army rather than Quackity, or that we planned to take all of technos canon lives or something like that.
It was horrible though.
I had gotten roped into it, and I would like to say I was manipulated, although that wasn't really the case.
That's what techno thought happened anyway.
Dream wasn't there that day, and I believe he was in logstedshire.
I watched as Fundy and Quackity forced techno into a cage, and as tubbo gave a speech about technos crimes. That was one of the few times I started to doubt tubbo, to question his morality.
But while he was making the speech, I slipped away, up to Philzas house.
And I disabled the anklet that would altet tubbo of his escape.
He glided down and freed Technoblade, and they fought the butcher army, although no one was seriously injured.
I guess Philza told techno what I did, because a few days later I was invited to join the syndicate.
Philza and techno were the only ones left in the cell now.
There was a pearl stasis chamber in the syndicate base, and if I could just get to it I could free them.
But the windows and doors were all locked.
Suddenly I heard footsteps, running down the hallway, not particularly quick, but faster than walking.
I then heard the jingle of keys and hoped it was Tommy.
He opened the door, and I could see that he had been crying. He was violently shaking as well, and there were splatters of blood on his shirt, although he appeared unharmed other than a growing bruise over his left eye and a few scratches.
I stood up, hurrying towards him.
'Tommy.. What? What happened?'
He dropped to his knees just as oli got to him, I crouched down next to him
'Tommy, what happened!?'
He looked at me, his eyes an unforgiving scarlet.
'I killed Technoblade.'
797 words lol
Please tell me what I could improve on here as I only started writing a few months ago and I am trying to write a book to be published.

If anyone needs any support please message me

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