War Is A Strange Game.

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I slowly moved along the wooden paths, trying to keep to the shadows.
The glowing purple armour slowed me down a little, but it was necessary.
Niki and Sam followed me, and the others had taken a different route, as to attack the huge house on both sides.
This was it.
The end.
The plan-well... There wasn't really a plan.
It was just get in, kill dream and tommy and We're done.
I hadn't told the others one thing though.
I wanted to get to Tommy first.
I knew that the others would kill him.
Of course, puffy and Sam took some convincing, but eventually they agreed that this was what was best for everyone, particularly Tommy.
I disagreed, but privately.
I couldn't voice my opinions like that again, not after the look I got from techno.
He had suspected me as a traitor before, for even suspecting Tommy was truly good.
So how could I say that that was what I actually believe, with every ounce of my being, I believe he's good. Better than most of us going to kill him.
He may have killed tubbo, but it's a single canon life. One third of him.
Technoblade killed tubbo too, or so I've heard, and Sapnap, it's not fair to blame him, and him alone.
Technoblade, on the other hand, was sold.
He was truly convinced that Tommy was evil, or at the very least, insane.
They, all of them, wanted to kill him.
Some, like Philza, Niki, and maybe even techno, felt that they were ridding the server of a problem ; a threat.
On the other hand, Sam and puffy had been convinced that he wanted to die.
But the thing is, he never wanted to die. He wanted to start living.
And I can help him with that.
So why shouldn't I.
He is, truly, good. Even now.
There is a difference between broken and evil. And I wish people could see it. I wish it was clearer, more refined.
I knew he was good from the moment he took the blame for me.
We knew each other, but not tha well.  Sure, we had burned down that house together, but we didn't know each other as well as, say, Tommy and tubbo.
Yet when I was being handcuffed, restrained, about to be led away and imprisoned, I looked over to him, and I saw desperation, even fear, in his eyes, creeping in like a poison.
He wasn't scared when he was being imprisoned, or yelled at, or.. Or.. Any of it! But when another was threatened... He was there.
And before I knew it, the fear was gone, as quickly as it had come, and determination replaced it.
He let out an evil sounding chuckle, and spoke to tubbo, his voice slicing through the mutters that had filled the courtroom like a blade, so everyone could hear him.
'It Was The Perfect Plan!'
A grin crept upon his face, echoed in his voice.
And, to cut a long story short, he was exiled.
And I wasn't.
We continued our route, nearing the huge obsidian box.
Once Sam, Niki and I were at the entrance, we dared to speak, hoping the sounds echoing around the room from the nether portal would muffle our voices.
'so what do we do once we get in?', Niki began. She sounded somewhat eager to enter, which confused me a little. Sam was the one who knew the most about the house , having both designed and built it himself.
'I can get us through the redstone, and then we will be inside the main building. I trust at least one of you know what to do from there.'
Nikis expression darkened significantly as she spoke over the last part of Sam's sentence.
'we kill Tommy.'
It was clear that I was going to have a lot more trouble than originally anticipated.
And I wasn't looking forward to facing techno after I betrayed them all.
Was it betrayal?
Sure, we had all agreed to kill Tommy, but they knew I was his friend, and I'm sure they would forgive me, after all, when I explain how tommy saved my life, or at the least my sanity, techno will be sold, because he strongly believes in repayment of debt. Good or bad.
I am, actually surprised that he didn't already come around the the idea, considering the fact that I did, actually already explain to him about the fact that I actually already explained to him about the whole 'exile' thing. It's almost like most of the people here have personal hatred towards Tommy.....
We went through the nether portal, and into a room. It was in the nether but you couldn't really tell.
Sam put a finger to his lips and we walked back through in silence.
We were met with a long hallway, covered in white marble , which had a lime green carpet on the ground, leading to a throne primary made from emeralds. Dream definitely liked the finer things in life.
We walked down it, still silent, and I ignored the want to try out the throne.
However, when we continued to travel to the centre part of the house, we ran into a problem.
Ponk was standing in front of us, holding a sword, dressed in full netherrite.
Sam had managed to drink an invisibility potion before Ponk saw us.
Niki and I on the other hand... No.
'what are you doing here?' Ponk asked, although it sounded more like a command than a question.
I answered quickly, having to improvise a little bit.
'we're here to see Tommy! Could you please take us to him.'
Ponk looked suspicious at first, but then nodded at me 'I do remember him saying that you two made friends.'
I was a little surprised that he would mention having friends in a place as hostile and controlling as this.
Now we followed Ponk down some corridors, making light conversation.
I could see particles coming from where Sam clearly was standing.
Everything was going fine.
Until Ponk asked : 'why are you wearing netheright?'
But then Sam reappeared, and Ponk crumpled to the ground. Sam had hit him over the head with the flat of his sword. Hard.
'let's go. Dream ought to be just around here somewhere.'
But we were too late.
We heard an alarm go off, and footsteps and yells behind us, but I just froze. I turned around to see a sword being raised and I heard Niki scream.
And the world faded to black.
<timeskip because ranboos unconscious. >
I woke up in a cell made of obsidian and crying obsidian, with a row of netheright blocks set in the floor.
Lava surrounded us, making the heat near unbearable.
This wasn't good.
I saw Technoblade, and he looked incredibly annoyed. ' hello ranboo. Nice to see you're awake.'
I sat up.
he rolled his eyes.
As my eyes adjusted to the light of the cell, I realised that everyone was here.
'what's going on.'
Everyone's heads turned towards me but no one answered my question.
'what is going on!?'
Puffy looked at me, concerned.
'we-we've been captured ranboo.'
'yes. Yes I can see that.'
She made an attempt at a half smile.
'some guards of dreams came out of nowhere and captured Phil. They threatened him so techno and I were captured as well. they realised there were more than just us trying to kill dream, and I believe that they found you pretty quickly.'
This made sense but was quite a lot to take in.
' so are we going to be executed? '
Techno shot me a harsh glare.
' what do y' think ranboo. What do y'  think. We are going to die unless we get out of here. ' Niki let out a small sob. As Techno continued 'we don't tend to talk about it. We will be taken to dream soon. I was sorta allies with him once, so there's hope. Sam's kinda friends with him too, right?'
Sam looked up 'I built his house. That's it. Maybe we were friends, once, but I don't think I knew him the way I thought I did. Because I would never be friends with the person who did all that to Tommy.'
His words left a heavy blanket of thought on the room, and I couldn't help thinking of Tommy in dreams place, and how well I knew him. If I even did.
Suddenly, I heard the sound of redstone moving and a voice, I couldn't tell whose.
' come out slowly. We are sending a bridge across.'  I heard more redstone and a moving bridge came slowly across the gap the retreat lava left.
I gasped, trying to figure out how it worked.
I saw Sam roll his eyes as he stepped onto the bridge.
<I can't write this scene its 3 in the morning and I have very little data, but basically they just walk down a corridor, techno tried to fight his way out but failed, and they boutta see dream.>
I heard voices as each person entered the room, one by one. Techno went first, and I last. There was only a few seconds between each person and I didn't know why we entered like that, but I suppose it just seemed right. With each person entering I heard a familiar gasp. Tommy must be in there and I wasn't looking forward to facing him. The gasps grew quieter each time and I knew that he expected anyone now. Anyone except me.
I stroked the ornate doors, running my finger along the ridges, trying to calm myself down.
I took a deep breath and walked into the room with as much dignity as I could muster, being handcuffed and all. My eyes took a moment to adjust to the light. Dream stood near the back, on a small platform, Tommy by his side.
Tommy hadn't noticed me yet, but I knew he would.
As he turned his head I saw his mouth drop open, and his eyes turned Ruby red, glowing with an intensity I had never seen before.
When he spoke, I could hear the betrayal, the hurt in his voice, knotting my insides with guilt.
1715 words and longest chapter yet!
Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I was at latitude with no data.

Thank you for reading these first chapters!
You are a great person!

Also heads up, the next chapter with be from Tommy's pov

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