The Prison Of The Mind.

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'If he wasn't going to be the hero, someone else had to be.'
These words echoed around the meeting room, and as the light caught the looks on my friends faces, I could finally get the gist of how shocking what I just said was.
Technoblade looked almost defeated, Niki looked somehow indifferent, yet scared simultaneously, Philza looked shocked and a little scared, and puffy just looked relieved.
Sam was busy right now, trying to get us a map of dreams House.
Puffy spoke first, breaking the silence that had formed between the real world and myself, all of us.
'so he's okay?'
'yes. I think. I don't Really know if he's telling the truth. He's definitely not mentally okay but I don't think he's being tortured any longer.' I replied, shrugging off the feeling that Tommy was covering something up.
Technoblade stood up.
'well. This just keeps getting better doesn't it. Not only do we know that my YOUNGER BROTHER has some kind of weird anti-superiority complex where he reckons he's worthless and a burden or something, he is now proven to be either very sad or a psychopath. Or a mix of the two.
I say we attack. Soon. Who agrees. '
His eyes scan the room, looking for agreement.
Philza and Niki slowly nodded, looking a little uncertain about Technoblades sudden outburst.
Puffy didn't move, but looked uncertain.
There was a weird, knotted feeling in my chest, making it hard to breathe.
I stepped forward.
'I'm not sure Tommy's loyalty really lies with dream.'
Everyone's heads shot upwards.
'he-he KILLED tubbo!' Niki exclaimed, looking a little outraged.
The knotted feeling got about a million times worse at her words, not to mention there was something else hidden beneath it.
There had been so much going on that I had barely had time to register that tubbo was gone.
And he was never coming back.
It was Tommy who had done it.
But it could have been.
I pushed the feeling backwards.
No time for grief, not now.
Not until the war was over.
I spoke, and I knew my voice was wavering.
'I know. But so does he. That- that was an choice that he made himself.'
Puffy frowned
'but that doesn't make sense, why would Tommy want to kill tubbo, they were best friends, and the way I heard it, Tommy would have died for tubbo.'
I stood up.
'I know. There was some other stuff going on there, I'm sure. The thing is-'
Niki stood up, interrupting me
'he is loyal to DREAM! He is a PROBLEM!'
'HE HAS NO LOYALTYS NIKI. HE HAS NO LOYALTYS, NOT TO DREAM, NOT TO ANYONE.. " my voice grew quiet as I realised I was shouting." he's too broken for that. "
I stayed standing, a little bit breathless.
Everyone looked surprised, even Technoblade let a little shock creep into his face.
Philza spoke
'r-ranboo? What do you mean?'
I breathed, trying to calm myself down.
'everyone, everyone treated him like - like - like SHIT!' everyone, even Technoblade legitimately looked shocked, I didn't usually swear.
'he just chose the person who treated him the, well.. The best.'
Technoblade stood up, staring into my eyes, and I could almost feel the suspicion creeping into the room like a poison.
'dream, from what you've told us, treated him the worst. You need to start getting your facts right.'
His voice was cold, and I knew he suspected me as a traitor.
I looked away.
'he doesn't think so. I think he's thinking more... Mentally. We.. We all left him. Dream didn't. He visited him, every day, he told tommy that he cared, that Tommy was his friend. None of us can say the same. Whatever dream told him, Tommy believed.'
I sat down, sighing
.' why would he believe it? ' puffy said, her voice wavering a little.
' did he have anything else to believe at that point. '
Silence decended upon the Table like a blanket, beginning to smother us.
Luckily, at that point, Sam burst in, waving a piece of paper.
' I got it! I got the map! But we need to act quickly, this is the only map there is, and dream will notice its gone soon!'
We all stood up, all previous thoughts wiped from our minds
'tomorrow we attack,' Technoblade said, his voice now monotonous again.
Sam laid the map down on the table, smoothing it out a little.
We all examined it.
It looked to me like a prison, and I began to wonder if that's exactly what it was.
712 words!
I wrote under the desk in German again lol, and then again at, like, 3 am lol

Remember to sleep! Don't be like me lol!

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