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I sat on Tommy's bed, ignoring the throbbing in my head.
An hour ago I was as good as dead.
Now I'm not.
Tommy was standing in front of me, arms folded across his chest, a look of triumph on his face, yet I couldn't ignore the grey hue of his eyes, nor the fact that his arms would shake constantly, almost uncontrollably.
" so -" I exhaled, trying to make sense of all this
''just- just run that by me again please"
Tommy half smirked.
" wow... You really do have memory loss, huh, ranboob."
I rolled my eyes at his childish demeanor.
"-please" I asked, as I actually wasn't really listening to any of the times he explained anything to me.
"okay so you aren't going to die."
"why not."
Tommy raised an eyebrow.
"why not?! You sound almost disappointed ranboo!"
My throat felt dry.
"no.. I - I just.. How. How did you manage to get dream to spare me?
Did he hurt you? ''
Tommy smiled and shook his head
" Nope! I just manipulated him! It was kinda easy, fuckin bitch he is. "
I felt my jaw drop a little.
Dream. The person who manipulated almost the whole server was manipulated himself!?
By Tommy!?
'what did you say to him?'
Tommy smiled to himself.
'' I'd rather not say to be honest.''
It was probably offensive to someone, so I understand why he wouldn't say.
"okay. What about the others?"
Tommy looked down, fiddling with his hands, and I noticed that he was scratching them, making them bleed a little. I gently pulled his hands away from each other.
'hey.. Stop doing that", I said, trying to make my voice as soft as possible.
Tommy flinched, and seemed to snap out of some sort of trance.
"I couldn't - I couldn't save them. I just- it wouldn't work.. He wouldn't listen.."
He was still shaking.
I guessed it was too good to be true.
My head was spinning.
I heard a rushing in my ears, similar to the ocean.
I spoke, louder than expected.
Tommys eyes turned red and he stepped away a little, and I could see his arms halfway to his head, trying to protect it, before moving them back down, shaking more than before.
I reached for his wrist, noticing he was scratching himself again.
"it's okay.. Its.. Its okay" I murmured, trying to calm both him, and myself down, but when I touched his wrist, he pulled away wincing.
He looked up at me, looking a little scared.
Suddenly the communicator around his wrist beeped, making us both jump.

Tommy meet me in the main hall. Immediately.

We both read it in silence.
Tommy sighed.
'I have to go ranboo.'
He stood up, eyes now a calm grey.
He walked towards the door and pulled out a key.
'hey- what's that for?' I asked Tommy.
He looked round at me.
'I'll be back soon.'
'Tommy what's the key for.'
He stepped just outside the door, beginning to close it, and I began to realise what was happening.
I stood up, beginning to walk quickly to the door
'there were a few conditions to your... Release.'
And he closed the door and locked it.
I could hear his footsteps retreating.
I had previously been planning to escape, but I guess that was off the table.
All I could do was sit and wait for Tommy to return.
570 words, bit short, sorry
Sorry for the slow updates, I had no motivation.

Thank you for continuing to read this trash lol.

If anyone needs someone to talk to, please message me

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