Betrayal (kinda)

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Note from the author : this chapter is from tommyinnits pov and its my first time writing from this pov please don't expect this to be anything short of bullshit.

My voice sliced through the air, and I felt the pain in my chest increase.
I stared into his eyes, noting the fear. He was scared of me.
It didn't surprise me, I had killed his best friend right in front of him.
I had been stupid again, letting down my guard, letting someone care.
He was probably just using me to get in here.
I stared at the row of prisoners in the makeshift courtroom, among them my father and brother.
And ranboo.
'wh-why are they here dream.'
I tried to look at him like I should when speaking to him, but I couldn't take my eyes away from the people in front of me.
'they were trying to kill me.' he replied.
I wasn't surprised to be honest, he was being a tyrant and I knew my brother and father would attempt something like this, it's just a shame that they got the others involved. But dream continued.
' and from the look of things, you. They were trying to kill you.'
At this point I could feel my breathing speed up rapidly, and I didn't keep the look of surprise off my face. I thought ranboo would probably do that, or at least I did, and, well, Niki wasn't exactly a surprise, but the rest...
I turned towards dream,
' but my-my brother!? '
' he betrayed you before Tommy, what do you expect.'
Dream now turned around to face them.
'you are all sentenced to be stripped of all your remaining canon lives.' he then gestured to the guards, 'take them. I heard gasps from the rest of the people in the room and I felt my knees buckle a little and I lent against the banister beside me.
But I did have a plan. A small, little, not at all death defying plan.
But I needed ranboo to do it.
As ranboo left, I acted quickly, turning to dream.
'why-why can't you just let them go!?'
He stared at me, mouth slightly agape, I suppose he thought that I wouldn't go against him in this.
He straightened up, staring me down.
'I have to set an example Tommy. You know that.'
'but ranboo is the only friend I have left,'
The words were out of my mouth before I thought about the reaction dream would have to them.
I messed up.
I could lit hear my heart rate speeding up, and I saw dream turn to stare at me.
'am I not your friend Tommy.'
I knew I would be punished for that, in exile I had said he wasn't my friend to his face, and it.... It didn't go well. I think I deserved it, I was a burden and he looked out for me. Dream is my friend.
He stepped forward, placing a hand on my shoulder, making me flinch, he used soft movements, but he had used this tactic before and the results were usually bad.
Dream repeated the question,  quickly snapping me out of my thoughts.
'am I not your friend tommyinnit.'
I had to think quickly, which wasn't a problem. I was literally raised by wilbursoot, one of the best manipulators and criminal masterminds ever.
'no... More like a father than a friend really.'
His mouth dropped open in shock and I had to stop myself laughing.
Oldest trick in the book.
I just pulled the dad card.
I continued.
'father figures aren't usually friends, and I think ranboo's the only one other than you who can actually tolerate me.'
His mouth closed into what I think is a half smile, or maybe a smirk, and he thought for a few seconds.
'there will be rules.'
I couldn't stop myself cringing.
The last time he said that was just after we arrived at the - the place.
Dream continued, even though I wasn't really listening.
'he will be basically under house arrest unless you are with him and if he does anything suspicious then I will execute him.'
I was snapped out of my thoughts be the contents of these words.
'so ranboo can... live?'
Dream smiled.
'yes, he can live. For now. But he is your responsibility and yours only. If he gets hurt, it will be your fault.'
I could barely believe it, and I really didn't expect it to work. As in, like, REALLY didn't, but...
My plan had fallen into place.
Ranboo was going to live.
769 words (haha funny number)
I promise I will update soon, and sorry for the slow update, I was really unmotivated to do anything for a while

Remember to take care of yourselves!

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