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Just thought I'd make this for the fans of this book.

Set after Lelouch and Elizabeth are brought back and after they've beaten Shamna.

Also, Author's Note: I was gonna do a whole storyline where it's revealed Elizabeth was actually a war orphan taken in by Charles and Marianne so for the sake of this chapter pretend that we did that so this chapter can be this chapter.

Elizabeth's POV*

After being brought back, I left to live a quiet life in the mountains in the house I put money away for after all the gambling Lelouch and I got into.

It's in a nice area with a little village just down the way.

I do odd jobs to help the village and it makes me feel better about myself.

The strangest part is that Euphy lives with me now.

It makes life a little easier now to go through.

After finding out I was adopted or snatched up, I didn't know what to think.

She's been really helpful and makes me feel better about my life every day in typical Euphy fashion.

My life felt good again.

Euphemia's POV* 

I was woken up from sleep by a groan.

I slowly got up and slowly moved to leave my room and I moved down the hall to Elizabeth's room.

I slowly and quietly opened the door, and I saw Elizabeth sitting on the edge of her bed facing away from me, she was wearing a sports bra and sweat pants, and she had a hand was on her shoulder.

I saw her scarred back and it broke my heart to see it.

I quietly entered the room and asked, "Hey, Elizabeth. You alright?".

Elizabeth turned to me with a pained expression wearing a smile and she said, "Hey Euphy. Go back to sleep, I'm okay.".

I asked, "You sure?".

Elizabeth turned away and nodded dismissively, and her mouth frowned as her fingers dug into her shoulder.

I frowned.

I knew she's been pushing herself to help the village more and more and while it makes me happy to see her doing more but she seems sad.

She's probably been working so much that her muscles were probably beat up.

I slowly approached her bed and I sat behind her.

I asked, "Did you hurt your shoulder today, Elizabeth?" and took a closer look at her shoulder.

Elizabeth rolled her shoulder and said, "No, it's just a little tight; nothing to worry about.".

I placed was gonna place a hand on her back, but I asked, "Can I touch?".

Elizabeth looked down and said, "Sure.".

I flicked Elizabeth's hair across her left shoulder and tucked a few strands behind her ear.

I rose onto my knees behind Elizabeth and fell into a rhythm kneading Elizabeth's neck muscles with my thumbs.

Elizabeth winced a little, but tried not to show it. 

I asked, "Too hard?" and I lifted my fingers away from her skin.

Elizabeth looked at me and said, "No, no, you're fine. I think I'm just tense. That feels really nice though, Euphy." and she slowly relaxed under and into my touch.

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