Chapter 27: The End

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I don't own Code Geass. All rights go to Sunrise, Gorō Taniguchi, and Ichirō Ōkouchi. This Is A Fan Based Parody For An OC.

A Few Days After Chapter 27*

Milly Ashford's POV*(Age: 20)

Kallen called me up to come and see Elizabeth and help her open up.

I pulled up and got out of my car and I hopped out and walked up to the mansion.

I walked up to the front door and knocked on the door.

I hummed a little tune as I waited.

Soon enough Kallen opened the door and smiled and said, "Hey Milly.".

I smiled and asked, "Hey Kallen. So how is she?".

Kallen sighed and invited me in.

I walked in and she sat me down at the massive dining room table.

Kallen sat down and said, "I only see her two times a day. When she goes to take her shower and when she comes back to her room from the shower.".

I hummed and said, "She's hurting still.".

I stood up and said, "I'll get her ready for Ms. Viletta's wedding.".

Kallen looked at me confusedly and asked, "How?".

I smirked and said, "Leave it to me.".

I looked around and asked, "Where's her room.".

Kallen pointed at a door nearby and I said, "Thank you." and I headed over to it.

I opened the door and saw Elizabeth in the fetal position in the corner hugging a pillow and was sleeping quietly.

I walked over and kneeled down to her.

I lightly grabbed her and lightly shook her and her eyes slowly opened and looked up at me.

I smiled down at her and I said, "Good morning, Elizabeth.".

Elizabeth slowly and weakly said, "Milly, what are you doing here?".

I grabbed her arm and lightly pulled her up.

Elizabeth weakly asked, "What are you doing here?".

When she was standing on both feet I grabbed her hand and started dragging her out of there.

Elizabeth a little shocked by this weakly asked, "W-Wait! W-What are you doing?!".

I said, "We're getting you ready for the wedding.".

Elizabeth weakly said, "B-But I don't want to. I don't even want to.".

I said, "Too bad.".

We got outside to the car and I got her in the backseat and I closed the door.

I got up to the front seat and we drove off.

Elizabeth weakly said, "Milly! Please take me home!".

I said, "Nope! You're attending that wedding no matter what!".

Elizabeth laid down in the backseat and weakly said, "B-But I don't want to! I have no place at a wedding.".

I said, "Yes you do. You deserve to see the fruits of your labor.".

Elizabeth weakly said, "I was used like everyone else though.".

Milly said, "But what you did do was help two people find each other even through their different ethnicities and overwhelming odds.".

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