Special 2

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Just thought I'd make another one of these for the fans of this book.

A Month Has Passed Since The Second Special*

Euphemia's POV*

I was awoken by the sunlight fluttering through the curtains, bathing me in its warmth. 

I smiled hearing the birds chirping and a gentle breeze blew through the slightly open window.

The scent of my garden's fresh dirt and flowers wafted through the air signaling the start of spring. 

If there was ever a day to sleep it, today was that day.

I rolled over and planted my face in Elizabeth's chest.

This must be what heaven is like. 

I giggled quietly and snuggled up closer to her, taking in her cozy presence.

Elizabeth was stirred awake by my actions and mumbled, "So warm...".

She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes with one hand and wrapped the other around me. "Am I a  pillow for you or something?".

She softly rubbed my back as I said, "Of course, Ellie! You're just so soft and warm. I can't help myself!".

Elizabeth wrapped her other hand around me and scooped me up into her arms and pulled me closer as she said, "It's okay. You're soft and warm too.".

I smiled and we curled up into each other's embrace. 

I pressed my forehead against Elizabeth's and gazed lovingly into her eyes.

I squeezed even closer next to her until our hips were practically right up against each other. 

Elizabeth returned my gaze, although a little more nervous. 

She daintily placed a hand on my cheek and started to relax as I leaned into her touch.

Elizabeth whispered, "Are you sure this is okay? With us?".

I could swear I could feel her heart start to pound.

I said, "Of course! I know it may seem strange but... you're who I want to spend my life with, Elizabeth. I wanna wake up for the rest of my life and cuddle with you like this!"

We were immortal meaning we'd be the same age we are for all time, a gift from C's World for coming back to life.

Elizabeth sighed and lightly smiled. 

Elizabeth said, "Okay, good! I'm just... nervous.".

I smiled and said, "Don't be. You and I belong together!" and I  blushed extensively before planting a kiss on Elizabeth's cheek.

Elizabeth smiled and I smiled back and Elizabeth kissed my cheeks softly before slowly working her way down my neck, leaving a few playful bites behind which made me let out slight gasps.

Elizabeth brought me in closer before pulling away from my neck.

Elizabeth giggled a little and said, "You're so precious, Euphy! I've never seen anyone get so flustered over a few bites before!".

I shyly said, "T-That was my first time... Nobody's ever kissed my neck like that before...".

I rolled over onto my back stretched out like a starfish on the bed trying to hide my nervousness while also giving Elizabeth time to feel embarrassed.

Just as I was thinking about it, Elizabeth awkwardly stammered, "Oh... um, Euphy...".

She climbed on top of me and took a seat on my hips, causing my cheeks to flush red immediately from embarrassment. 

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