Chapter 23: The Battle For The World

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I don't own Code Geass. All rights go to Sunrise, Gorō Taniguchi and Ichirō Ōkouchi. This Is A Fan Based Parody For An OC.

A Few Minutes After Chapter 22*

Schneizel's POV*

Cornelia asked, "Did you really kill all of the citizens in Pendragon city?".

I asked, "Yes, what about it?".

Cornelia said, "You mean the people of Pendragon were...".

I said, "I made them... vanish. It was better for them than a life swearing loyalty to Lelouch, wouldn't you say?".

Cornelia said, "They're are our own people. And you told Nunnally...".

I said, "Lies are expedient. There's no need to tell Nunnally things that would get in the way of her opposition to Lelouch, is there? She'll never know the difference.".

Cornelia asked, "You would use everyone? Even your own sister?".

I said, "Cornelia. What is it that people truly want? Starvation and poverty. Discrimination and corruption. War and terrorism. They want the problems that are flooding the world to go away forever. People can't understand each other under these situations at all.".

Cornelia said, "Your theories don't justify butchering civilians!".

I said, "Even civilians who have rejected war and depend on the police, don't they? Everyone knows, don't they? That people are driven by their own desires. The lust that dwells within the soul of man cannot be denied. So why win hearts and minds or tout some shining ideology. Why not bring peace to the world with the system power? In ten days, Damocles will enter the air space of the United States of China. And then switch over to secondary acceleration. After that, we're scheduled to ascend 300 kilometers above the surface. From there, we will hit every enemy nation with FLEIJA's.

Cornelia said, "Are you insane? We only agreed to use them against Lelouch. This will destroy the world! You're trying to control people through fear!".

I said, "Mankind's history is war. Peace is an illusion. To turn an illusion into reality is an arduous task. It requires discipline.".

Cornelia said, "And you plan to discipline the entire human race all by yourself? Only a God could pull that off.".

I said, "Then I shall become a God. If that is what it takes to bring peace to the world.".

Cornelia said, "You're deranged.".

Diethard entered the room and said, "Magnificent! I knew I was right to change sides and support you! Surpassing Zero and One's chaos with a state of perfect nothingness and kaleidoscopic transformation!".

Kanon said, "Prince Schneizel, we've made contact with the Black Knights. They say if you plan to kill Lelouch, they're willing to join you immediately.".

I said, "Thank you, Kanon. Those who have experienced Lelouch's tyranny first hand will have no alternative but to choose the lesser of evils.".

Cornelia asked, "Is that why you stay back and let Lelouch get away with this until now?!".

I said, "It was a way to minimize the damage. But in the end, if we have to sacrifice one or two billion lives to achieve a state of permanent peace...".

Cornelia said, "You're wrong! Peace attained by force is not peace!" and I snapped my finger and she was shot.

I said, "This is so sad, Cornelia.".

I looked up and mentally said, "One of the only tasks left at hand will be to defeat Elizabeth.".


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