Chapter 26: Home

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I don't own Code Geass. All rights go to Sunrise, Gorō Taniguchi, and Ichirō Ōkouchi. This Is A Fan Based Parody For An OC.

10 Months After Chapter 25*

Suzaku's POV*(Age: 20)

We attacked this compound of the terrorists we knew took Elizabeth.

I attacked with the Gawain Mk 3 and within about an hour I defeated all of them and made room for me and my ground forces.

I hopped out of the Gawain Mk 3 and led the charge with Kallen and Sayako.

We bust into the facility and within a few minutes, we had all the terrorists down and began looking around.

We found some cells and began looking around there.

I heard Kallen gasp and Sayako and I came over to see Elizabeth in a cell chained up and beaten.

Sayako opened the door and we all walked in.

Sayako put two fingers on her throat and checked her pulse.

Sayako said, "She's alive.".

I said, "Thank goodness.".

Kallen said, "Suzaku, her back.".

Sayako and I walked around and saw lashes on her back.

Sayako said, "We have to get her some medical attention.".

I nodded and put my cape around her and piggybacked her out of there after we cut the chains.

While walking out the facility the others were shocked but we loaded her up on the transport and flew off to the closest hospital.

We arrived and brought Elizabeth inside.

We set her on a gurney and covered her up with a blanket.

Elizabeth's eyes squeezed shut and she was groaning as the doctors wheeled her off.

I reattached my cape and made a call to Nunnally and the others to hurry to the hospital.

A Few Hours Later*

Lloyd, Cecile, Kallen, Milly, Rivalz, Cornelia, Guilford, Schneizel, Rakshata, Nunnally, and I were in the waiting room waiting for any word on Elizabeth's condition.

The doctor came out and we all looked at him.

The doctor said, "She's fine but her condition isn't good. She's suffered major lacerations on her back and it's gonna take time for her to heal and I don't know what can be done with her fractured bones.".

I asked, "Can we see her.".

The doctor said, "I'm afraid not. Visiting hours are over and she's resting.".

Cornelia asked, "Can we have her moved to another facility for treatment.

The doctor said, "Yes, of course.".

Cornelia said, "Good." and walked off making preparations.

2 Days Later*

Kallen, Nunnally, Milly, Rivalz, Nina, and I were standing outside of Elizabeth's room and we were looking in.

She was lightly breathing and was groaning a little in her sleep.

Nina asked, "How could someone do this to her?".

Kallen said, "The actions Lelouch and she took to bring peace wasn't taken as well by everyone, Nina.".

Milly said, "But still, being beaten and whipped isn't what Elizabeth or Lelouch deserved.".

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