Childhood Friends (Pt.1)

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PJO/DC crossover 


3rd Person

10 years old 

Bruce was out in the woods. He was walking a familiar path that he would walk with his father. He'd first gone with his father when he was 6 years old. They'd do it the every summer and then in the winter when the snow was just starting to greet New Jersey. He walked up the hill and sat down at the top and gazed down. 

The lake, bright blue, looking up at the sky with white clouds floating through it. The animals chittering and chirping through the woods, the soothing sound filling the air like music. The gentle breeze sweeping through, rustling the branches of the tall trees, leaves gently floating to the ground. The colors of the earth blending together like a beautiful painting. 

Tears started to streak down the 10 year olds face as sorrow, sadness, and rage filled the young boy. He wiped his eyes furiously, trying to stop the tears but never succeeding. Sobs escaped his throat as his parent's bodies flashed though his mind. Their lifeless forms haunting him. 

Rage for the man who killed them filled him. He wanted nothing more for the man to suffer. To be in pain, to be tortured, to be hurt the way he was. He picked up rocks in his hand and hurled them down the hill. He threw them as hard as he could and only stopped when he heard a cry of pain. 

All his rage flooded out and was replaced by shock, regret, and worry. He stumbled down the hill and climbed over large rocks. He found a girl, about his age, rubbing the side of her head, tears on her cheeks. "I'm so sorry! I didn't see you! I swear!" The girl looked at him and he felt heat rush to his cheeks. She had beautiful green eyes the color of the sea. 

He walked closer and gently removed her hand from her head. His breath caught when he was the blood on her hand. His eyes met the wound and it took all his willpower not to grimace. He grabbed and band-aid from his pocket and placed it on her head. "You do know that's not going to help a lot, right?" He looked back at the girl and saw her raising an eyebrow at him. 

Heat rushed back to his cheeks. "Y-yes. You, uh, you can come back to my house and get a proper bandage and stitches." She nodded and stood up shakily. She leaned on him slightly and he helped her walk up the hill and to the path that he took to get to the top of the hill. They slowly hobbled down the path, occasionally stopping for the girl to rest. 

They managed to get to the Manor and Bruce knocked. Alfred opened it after a few seconds. "Master Bru- Oh! Come on in. Let me help you with that and then you have some explaining to do, young sir." Bruce simply nodded, worried for the girl. They took her to the living room and Alfred stitched up the side of her head. 

She would squeeze his hand when it hurt too much and he would simply bear the girl tight grip. When Alfred finished, she gave a sigh of relief. "Thank you, Mister..." "Alfred Pannyworth, ma'am." "Thank you, Mister Alfred! And my name is Persephone Jackson. But call me Percy." "Alright, Miss Percy. Is there an adult I can contact to pick you up?" 

She nodded. "Yeah my mom. Her number is XXX-XXX-XXXX." Alfred nodded and left the room. "My name is Bruce. Sorry for hitting you with the rock." "Percy but you know that already. It's alright. I'm pretty sure I'll live. Do you go to the woods often?" He shrugs. "Not really. Only in the summer and in the winter. When do you go?" 

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