Christmas Love (Request)

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Bruce had a daughter. Her name was Marinette Estrella Wayne. She had met Dick when she was 10 years old. The two immediately hit off and quickly became the best of friends. Though he was adopted by her father, that didn't stop the crush that Marinette developed. After she was 14, she came clean with herself. 

She was in love with her best friend, Dick Grayson. 

Dick had developed a crush on her as well. He was just scared that she would reject him because he was adopted by her biological father and technically that made them adopted siblings. He started with a mere crush that he thought would pass away but it grew over time. Soon he just admitted to himself.

 He was in love with his best friend, Marinette Wayne. 


It was around Christmas time at the Manor. Dick was putting up the decorations on the Christmas tree when Marinette came in, snow on her thick coat, and a large box in her hands. He immediately flipped off the ladder and went to help her. He gently took the box out of her hands and gently took off her snow covered coat. 

Marinette took off her winter gloves, sneaking a look at Dick's arms, which were muscled and strong. He was wearing a tight blue shirt and jeans since the fireplace was aflame and making the room rather hot. She took off her winter hat and shook her long hair which had snow in it. She was dressed in navy sleeveless tee, a pair of white jeans, and dark brown midcalf boots. Her coat was soft beige color and her gloves black. 

"So, what do you need help with?"  He smiled. "You can help me put the ornaments on the tree and then I'll lift you up to put the tree on the top." She nodded, her cheeks turning pink slightly at the though of Dick lifting her up. She grabbed a bunch of ornaments and gently hung them on the tree. She started at the one with the picture of her and Dick playing in the garden. 

She hung that one next to Dick's favorite ornament, which was the one with the words 'Batman and Boy Wonder' on it with their symbols on it too. The tree was done soon with all the ornaments and lights on it. Dick look at and held out the star. "Ready?" She nodded and took the star. Dick walked behind her and grabbed her waist. 

He lifted her off the ground and placed her on his shoulders. His cheeks turned red and he hoped that she didn't notice. Marinette placed the star on top of the tree. She tapped Dick's head twice and he gently lifted her up and placed her back on the ground. She turned around and was met with the blue eyes that enchanted her. 

She cleared her throat and looked at the ground, missing the look of hurt that flashed in Dick's eyes. Did she not feel the same way about him? Marinette shuffled her feet and looked back up at her best friend. "..Uh, do you want to go get some stuff with me?" Dick smiled and her heart skipped a beat. "Sure. I'll text Bruce." 


It was Christmas morning and everybody in the Manor was up. Dick and Marinette had taken it upon themselves to make sure everyone was up at 7 AM for breakfast and then gifts. Everybody trudged into the dining room, all in their pajamas, including Bruce. Marinette sat next to her father, on the left side and her little brother, Damian, taking the right side. 

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