Everybody Having A Crisis (Request)

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Request by Icerosecrystal


Romantic - Brucinette


3rd Person

5 yr old Bruce Wayne was playing at the playground with his parents. He was playing in the sand box when a girl came up to him. "Hi! My name is Marinette. What's your name?" He looked at her and smiled brightly. "Bruce." She smiles. "Do you want to play with me?" "Sure!" "Ok! Come on Brucie!!" Marinette grabs the boys hand and drags him over to where she was playing. 

Marinette dragged him over to the slide, and smiled at him. "Slide with me?" Bruce nodded and she sat down. Bruce sat behind her, wrapping his arms around her. They slid down the slide, both laughing merrily. They did it over and over till Bruce got an idea. 

Bruce poked Marinette, a devious twinkle in his eyes. "You're it." He laughed as he ran away from her, Marinette running after him as fast as she could. Both laughed throughout the entire chase, suddenly not caring that their sides hurt. They laughed simply because they were happy, because they could, because they suddenly had no care in the world. 

Marinette's parents called her over after a long while and Marinette pouted at the thought of having to leave her new friend. Bruce stuck out his pinky. "I'll see you again. Pinky promise." Marinette grinned and looped her pinky with his. "Bye Brucie!" She ran back to her parents, looking back to wave at him enthusiastically. 

Bruce waved back before going back to his parents. He smiled widely at his parents and his mother smirked at him. "What's got you so excited?" "I made a new friend! Her name is Marinette, and she had blue hair, pretty blue eyes and she's really fun to play with!!" Bruce's blue eyes twinkled with happiness and his mother smiled at him. 

She picked him up, running her fingers through his hair. "Really? Hmm. Well maybe we can meet her next time and she can come of to the Manor if her parents allow her." Bruce beamed at his mother. "Can she?!" "I don't see why not. Thomas?" Bruce's father looked at his wife and son. "I don't see why not." Bruce cheered and his parents shook their heads, laughing at his antics.  

The next time Bruce went to the park, he immediately went to the slide in search of Marinette. He was saddened when he didn't see her. He slid down, and started searching the entire park in search of his newest friend. He was about to give up when a shout caught his attention. "Brucie!" He looked up, a smile gracing his face when he saw a girl running to him. 

"Netta!" The nickname came out of his mouth by accident but Marinette didn't seem to mind. In fact, she really seemed to like the nickname. They bolted to a little patch of flowers and Marinette grabbed a handful and started weaving. Bruce looked around for a stick, long enough to be used as a sword. 

Marinette finished weaving her flowers into a crown and put on her head. She grabbed long, thick blades of grass for Bruce and started weaving a crown for him. Marinette stuck little flowers in the crown here and there, before putting it on Bruce's head. He smiled and handed her a stick. 

His eyes gleamed mischievously and he stuck his stick out. "I challenge you!" She squealed in surprise when it lightly poked her side and she stuck her sword out. They battled, they swords clashing, and laughter surrounding the air around them. 

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