A Light To Call Home

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Song Fic




Scars that's all I have

Pain that's all I feel

People stop and stare

But they have no idea

15 yr old Marinette wrapped her arms around herself, trying to hide the scars on her arms. She turned her head away from all the stares. She was dressed in raggedy clothes. She didn't have anywhere to go and she was in an unfamiliar city. Gotham, New Jersey. Crime City of the world. Why she chose to come here, she didn't know, but she wanted to be somewhere but Paris.

And through these tears

And through this pain

I will stand, once again

She curled herself into a circle as tears dripped down her cheeks. She was hurt and in an abandoned warehouse, trying desperately to stop the tears. She wasn't going to fall.  She was going to stand and make it all the way to the end. She stood up and wiped her tears away. She was going to be strong but there was a question nagging in the back of her mind. 

How many more times could she get up after being kicked down?

Cause I may be homeless, but not hopeless

Fatherless but fearless

I've got myself, I've got my freedom

But I'm searching for my home

Cause I am hurting but not helpless

Full of strength and scars

Marinette stared at the city lights as she sat at the top of a building. She stared at the blinking lights, that looked almost like stars. The tall building that were trying to reach the top of the sky. The noises of the city making it's own music. She closed her eyes as a cold breeze passed through. She stared at the buildings trying to figure out where she was in all of this. 

She didn't have anything right now. Nobody to lean on, nothing to shelter her, nothing to help her. All she had was herself. But sometimes that was enough because she still had her heart and her brain. She was free and she was going to enjoy it. Even though she was searching for a home. 

She may be in pain everyday but she could still defend herself. She was still strong and she had scars to prove it. 

I'm out here in the darkness

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