Childhood Friends (Pt.2)

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3rd Person

Percy walked through the streets of Gotham, staring at how much everything had changed. She hadn't been in Gotham since she was 16. She had hidden in Alaska for a few years after the war and Tartarus had taken her prisoner because she had managed to escape him all those years ago and it had humiliated him, as the merciless prison of monsters, titans, and primordials. 

She smiled as she thought about Bruce's bright blue eyes, that she had first seen when she was 10. She ran her hand over the scar, fondly. It was one of the only scars she was proud to have. To her, the scar represented when they had first met, that their friendship started with a rock hitting her in the head, that it was given to her by the man she loved. 

She wondered what he had been up to. If he had done anything interesting with his life. If he had remembered her. She wondered how she would announce the fact that she was alive. She was pretty sure that he thought she was dead. If he remembered the kiss they shared by the lake. The way they would laugh around the Manor and how they would try (and fail) to steal cookies without Alfred noticing. 

She thought about it as she walked to the Manor, that never ceased to amaze her by it's size. She hopped up the front steps and straightened her leather jacket. She pulled a key from her pocket and held it to the lock. She smirked. They never changed the lock on the Manor. She laughed internally and slide the key in. 

She opened the door and closed it silently. She walked through the Manor, noting that nothing had changed. Except there were more pictures in the halls. All of Bruce and 4 boys. There was never a woman so, she decided that he adopted them. Except a younger boy. He looked to much like Bruce to be adopted. 

She knew it was around the time for dinner so she decided to press her ear against the door. She heard the clinking of silverware. She took a deep breath and flung the door open and shouted the same words she would when she was younger. "I'M HOME!!! WHERE ARE THE COOKIES?!" She was desperately trying not to laugh as everybody stared at her. 

Alfred silently nodded to her. "Miss Percy. How are you?" "I'm good, Alfred. Now, Bruce, stop staring. You're looking rather weird like that. Who are the boys?" He manages to snap out of it and clears his throat. "These are my sons. Richard, Jason, Tim, and Damian." Percy examined them and managed to make some deductions about them. 

She figured Richard(Dick) liked eskrima sticks is his preferred weapon, Jason's preferred weapon is guns, Tim's preferred weapon is a baton, and Damian's preferred weapon is a sword or dagger. She hums and smiles. "Nice to meet you all. I'm Percy." Damian scoffed. "Father, never told us about you." Percy gasped. 

"Bruce! You never told them about me! I'm hurt. Well, I'm your father's oldest friend. We met when we were 10. Since, he's never told you about me. I have many things to tell you about. Like how he earned the nickname Gummy Bear-Jelly bear-Rainbow bear. Alfie, you remember that?" Alfred nods, a small smile on his face. "Vividly." 

Bruce glares at her and clenches his jaw. "Percy no." "Percy yes. Now it started when we were 12..." As Percy rattled off on her tale, she gracefully dodged the silverware that was thrown at her. The boys listened attentively, rolling on the ground in laughter by the time she was done. Bruce was hiding his face in his hands and the boys tried to control their laughter. 

Jason wheezed and his mouth moved as he managed to choke out words. "S-so Bruce...did t-the experiment wi-with the gummy bears....a-and got covered.... i-in goo. And I n-never heard... th-this before?" Percy giggled. "Apparently not. Now Brucie, stop hiding your face. It's good to lighten up you know." She glided over and wrapped her arms around him from behind. 

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