They Found Out The Truth (Request)

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Requested by opello 


Jasonette story 


Bruce and Sabine have been friends since college. They stayed in touch, becoming like siblings. Bruce supported her in everything she did and she supported him. Only thing she doesn't know is that he is Batman. But that's besides the point. 

Sabine had a daughter. Marinette. Marinette was basically her sunshine. To both her and her husband, Tom. Marinette knew a bit about Bruce, hearing stories about him from her mother. She always wanted to meet him, him looking like a superhero in her mind.

Time goes by and lot's happens. Becoming Ladybug, becoming the guardian of the miraculous, Lila coming back and more stuff. 

Then comes the day, everything started changing....

But for better or for worse?


Marinette was drawing in her sketchbook when her parents yelled for her. "MARINETTE DUPAIN-CHENG, GET DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW!" She furrowed her brow. Did she do something wrong? She doesn't remember doing something to make her parents this mad. 

She went out of her room and walking down the stairs to get to her parents. She made it downstairs and saw her parents looked absolutely livid. She looked around, her eyes landing on pictures of Lila, covered in fake bruises and blood. But what tore her to pieces was the fact that, her sketchbook was ripped into shreds. 

"Mam-" "No Marinette! I can't believe you. Bullying a girl with disabilities, and she's trying to be friends with you. She's so selfless, honorable, and just a really sweet girl and you do this to her?! You are not the girl I raised. You are a monster." Sabine glared at her daughter, rage covering her entire face. 

Meanwhile, her daughter was falling apart. Marinette couldn't believe what she was hearing. Tears pricked the corner of her eyes. Her mother called her a monster. Her mother believes she actually did this. And from the look on her father's face, he believed it as well. 

It felt like her entire world was collapsing on her shoulders. "W-what?" Sabine took a deep breath, reeling in her rage. She couldn't get akumatized because of her da- no Marinette. "I'm sending you to my friend's house. He's good with problem kids. Maybe he can get some sense into your head." 

Marinette's jaw dropped. "M-maman, please. I-i didn't do a-any of t-this." That seemed to only make her angrier. "Go to your room!" "Ma-" "NOW MARINETTE!!" Marinette flinched at the loud voice of her father. She wiped her eyes, trying to force the tears back. "okay." Her voice was quiet and timid as she turned to go back to her room. 

She collapsed on the room of her floor when she got there. She hugged herself, tears cascading down her cheeks like a waterfall. Sobs leaving her mouth, sorrow and anger radiating from her body. Her eyes closed like she was trying to force a nightmare out of her mind. And to her that's what this was. A nightmare. 

She stopped when she heard the soft fluttering of butterfly wings. She immediately looked up, her eyes widening when she saw a familiar purple butterfly. She wiped her tears and forced herself into a positive mindset. "Gotham, might be a new start for me. It might help me. I might make new friends. People will believe me and Lila will be exposed."

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