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"the purpose of literature is to turn blood into ink" - t

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"the purpose of literature is to turn blood into ink"
- t.s eliot

...a lonely girl who loves syrup and books meets a boy who is a werewolf and loves chocolate.

together they find safety and a rare glimmer of hope.

now all they have to do is stand against her prejudiced family and both of their pasts.

but that proves itself to be much harder than it sounds...

Kristine Froseth
Claudia Natalia Maple

CASTKristine FrosethasClaudia Natalia Maple

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Andrew Garfield
Remus John Lupin

Andrew Garfield asRemus John Lupin

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Anya Taylor-Joy
Betty Arnaud

Anya Taylor-Joy asBetty Arnaud

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maple syrup | remus lupin [1]Where stories live. Discover now