"one serving of syrup a day keeps the werewolf away."
just your not-so-average slow-burn, forbidden and star-crossed lovers love-story with several twists!
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claudia maple's entire existence was a mistake. with a dead mum, a father who hated...
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CLAUDIA HAD HAD the best night's sleep in forever. She didn't exactly remember falling asleep, nor did she remember what day it was, where she was or in whose bed she was in.
But she was most certainly not in her own as she noted that the colour of the blanket that was wrapped around her was scarlet red.
But, she did not realise that just because of a blanket - because the camera that was shoved in her face giving her a severe eyesight problem at nine in the morning was most certainly the works of a grinning Sirius Black.
"Sirius!" Claudia yelled as she tried, and failed, to somehow grab the Polaroid picture from the boy who was entering into a fit of laughter.
The girl lunged after him, only for him to toss the picture to James.
"Give it to me," Claudia sighed as she reached out her arm towards the boy. "Now, James, or I swear to Merlin I will-"
"You will what?" He teased.
"I will...I don't know okay?! Just give it to me already!"
"No can do, little Claude," he said, reaching the photo up in the air as Claudia scoffed.
"You're so annoying," she said as she walked towards him and tried to grab the photo, doing so unsuccessfully as James shoved his other hand in her face. "James!"
"Moony!" The spectacled boy called to the boy who had just left the bathroom only to find the commotion. "Take this before she can!"
James tossed the photo to a confused and newly awakened Remus, who took it and smiled at the sight of it.
Claudia walked towards the boy and tried to take it from him, only for him to immediately swat her hand away.
"Hey!" She scolded. "Give it to me!"
"No," he replied, causing the girl to groan internally.
Because Claudia did most certainly not enjoy getting her picture taken at nine in the morning, especially not when she had makeup smudged all over her face and unbrushed hair.
Something only she would notice.
"Why not?" She sighed.
"Because you look cute," he said with a sheepish smile.
Claudia couldn't help but to crack a small smile at that.
"You're a fool, Remus," she said as she tried to take it once again. Instead of letting her take the photo, Remus took her hand as a natural instinct.
"For you, yes," he whispered. "You look cute."
"Cute?" She said with a raise of her eyebrows, thinking about how much she did not believe in that statement because she most certainly did not think that she was even a little cute in that photo.