"one serving of syrup a day keeps the werewolf away."
just your not-so-average slow-burn, forbidden and star-crossed lovers love-story with several twists!
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claudia maple's entire existence was a mistake. with a dead mum, a father who hated...
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ON OCTOBER 18TH, also known as the day after Pandora's 17th birthday, a very tired Claudia walked inside the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom with a grumpy look on her face.
She hated that goddamn class so much, which was due to one reason and one reason only.
It was because of Fayola Ingannamorte, also known as the lovely DADA professor that everyone but Claudia adored.
It was the strangest thing, because the woman was an incredible teacher and an admirable person who treated all the students with kindness and respect - with the exception of Claudia.
The girl still didn't know why, and it was starting to get on her nerves more than she could even explain. She had always been the type of student to receive house points and academic validations, and then suddenly she didn't even receive a single glance.
Claudia and her friends had decided that if this went on for two more weeks, Claudia would go straight to Dumbledore and tell him to tell her to suck up whatever hatred she had for Claudia so that she could get treated like everyone else.
"Today we'll be talking a bit about Inferi," Professor Ingannamorte spoke. "I reckon you've heard of them before, ghastly little things."
The class shared frowns as they looked at the sketch of an Inferius in their textbook, Claudia giving Betty a weary look as they did so.
"Well, if you do not know, Inferi are basically dead bodies," the professor said as she paced back and forth at the front of the classroom. "They're dead bodies who have been reanimated by a Dark Wizard's curse. Does anyone know which type of magical branch they're created through?"
Several hands shot up in the air, Claudia's doing so as well - although she reached up hers far less enthusiastically since she knew that she wasn't going to get to answer anyways. She still did it though, because she needed to prove herself somehow.
"Ms. Maple!"
What. The. Actual. Fuck.
"Uh, it's called Necromancy, Professor," Claudia managed to get out despite her state of shock.
"Good job, Ms. Maple," said Ingannamorte. "Five points to Ravenclaw!"
Claudia smiled proudly as she turned to Betty with an almost relived look on her face, until Betty tapped her on the arm and nodded towards the Professor.
"Ms. Maple, I would like it if you'd listen!" Ingannamorte said, but strangely enough it didn't sound as mean as it normally would. "Can you stay behind after class? I would like to have a word with you."
Claudia nodded, her eyes immediately darting back to Betty who looked just as surprised as her. The two girls then shared a look with Inez and Pandora, who were both mouthing things that Claudia couldn't understand.