130. the raven & the wolf

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"SO, WHAT ARE YOUR plans now that you're about to leave Hogwarts?" Claudia asked Henry as the two found each other walking towards the Ravenclaw tower after dinner one night

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"SO, WHAT ARE YOUR plans now that you're about to leave Hogwarts?" Claudia asked Henry as the two found each other walking towards the Ravenclaw tower after dinner one night. "Going to pursue Quidditch?"

"I'm not exactly sure," Henry shrugged, putting his hands in his front pockets as he walked. "I mean, don't get me wrong. I love Quidditch and I'm bloody brilliant at it, but I'm not sure if the lifestyle is for me."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know, really, but I just don't think all the travelling and stuff would be my kind of thing, I guess. And, honestly, I'd quite like to stay with Jia Li for a while."

"Oh," Claudia nodded with a smile, thinking about the sweet girl who was after all the drama finally Henry's girlfriend again. "What is she planning to do?"

"She wants to work at the ministry," he explained. "But she's not entirely sure which department yet. She's got an internship at the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, though. So that's a good start."

"That seems fun," Claudia said happily. "And what is Rosamund planning to do?"

"She's going to stick to becoming a potioneer," he said with a rather amused smile. "You ask about her an awful lot for being her mortal enemy."

"I wouldn't say mortal enemy," she chuckled. "If that's the case then it's definitely one-sided. But, I don't know honestly. I kind of just feel a little bad for her."

"You feel bad for her?" Henry asked, feeling clearly rather surprised.

"Well," she shrugged. "Everyone always talks behind her back and stuff, you know..."

"Oh, trust me, I know," Henry nodded. "They say she's weird and that she doesn't belong in Slytherin, bla bla. You know, I've served three detentions through my Hogwarts career, and all of them were because I injured someone who spoke ill of her."

Claudia smiled, "You're a good brother."

"I try."

"But you spoke to her after I told you to, right?"

"Yes," he nodded. "We're pretty much back to normal. But she still doesn't open up, of course. She did say that she was sorry though. For everything that happened last year."

Claudia stopped, and then she chuckled slightly. "She's sorry?"


"She said that?"

"Yes. She said that she would apologise to you if she could. Not sure what she meant by that, but."

Claudia frowned, "Well, I'm honestly not the one that she's supposed to apologise to. I think Inez, Sirius and Betty would be the more reasonable ones to go to."

Henry nodded, "I don't think she would do that."

Claudia nodded understandingly, and then she decided to change the subject back to the original one because old memories of last spring wasn't exactly the best thing to bring up.

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