dare 177

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Me: Ok, here's an interesting dare for Ohana!

Ohana: Ooh, what's the dare?

Me: You have two tickets to the water park, and you have to decide who you take with you!

Ohana: Ooh, yay, the water park! Whoo hoo! Wait, did you say I had to choose just one person to go to the water park with me?

Me: Yup! That's the dare.

Ohana: But how am I supposed to choose?

Oswald: Easy, just pick me.

Ohana: *Laughs* That'd be great, but that's not exactly fair, Oswald.

Orchid: Yeah, and besides, you should pick me!

Ohana: Hmmm, good point.... but that's not really fair either.

Oscar: So how are you gonna choose?

Ohana: Um, ok I have an idea! How bout I just pick a name out of a hat or something?

Olympia: Good idea!

Oona: *Walks up to them with all the names on pieces of paper inside a bowl* Here you go! Couldn't find a hat hehe. So I just used this cool bowl.

Ohana: Perfect! Thanks, Oona.

Oona: No problem.

Ohana: *Reaches into the bowl and picks a piece of paper out and reads it* Looks like the agent coming with me to the water park is.... Oscar!

Oscar: Wow really? That's so awesome! Thanks, Ohana!

Ohana: *Smiles* No problem.

Oksana: *Walks up to them* Oona, is that the bowl I was using to make food in? That belongs in my kitchen. It's not for putting paper in.

Oona: Hehe oops, sorry. I'll go put it back now.

Oksana: Thank you.

Olga: Actually, I can put the bowl back instead! I'm technically an assistant here, and I'm on the squad. *Flips her hair*

Me: Oh, right.

Olga: *Turns to Ohana* Oh, and have fun at the water park, sis!

Ohana: Thanks, Olga.

Everyone: Sis?

Olga: Oh, yeah, I'm Ohana's sister.

Oprah: Wow, ok.

Olga: Did I not tell you guys that?

Otis: No, you left out that tiny bit of information.

Olga: Oh, oops. Hehehe. Well, I'm gonna go put this bowl back in the kitchen now.

Oksana: And I will go with you, I wanna make sure you put it with the other bowls, and not the plates. I like my kitchen to be organized.

Olga: Ok.

Oona: Have fun at the water park, Ohana and Oscar!

Olympia: Yeah, have fun!

Ohana and Oscar: Thanks!

*At the water park*

Ohana: Ooh, let's go on that cool, log ride!

Oscar: Sounds good!

*They go on the log ride and on water slides and they have a lot of fun then they just walk through the water park.*

Oscar: This is really fun.

Ohana: Yeah. *Looks over at a bench* Maybe we should take a break and sit. We've been walking and going on rides for hours! *Laughs*

Oscar: *Laughs* Ok.

*They sit down on the bench, but just then, Oswald walks out from behind the bench.*

Oswald: Hey, Oscar, why are you sitting so close to her?

Ohana: Oswald?! What are you doing here?

Oswald: Um I kinda secretly tagged along.... I just wanted to make sure this wasn't like a date or anything....

Oscar: Oh, don't worry, Oswald. I wouldn't try to steal your girl like that. And besides, I like Oona.

Oona: *Walks out from behind the bench* Awww!

Oscar: Oona?!

Oona: Hi. Hehe I kinda tagged along with Oswald, just making sure this wasn't a date or something.

Ohana: Well this is not a date! *Laughs*

Oswald: Yeah, we know that now. Sorry.

Ohana: It's ok. You're kinda cute when you're jealous.

Oscar: And you're always cute, Oona.

Oona: *Blushes*

Oswald: *Blushes* Well, anyway, since we were here, we got ice cream at the snack stand. Want some?

Ohana: Sure!

Oscar: Yeah!

*They all eat ice cream and chat*

Ohana: I actually really liked this dare.

Oscar: Yeah.

Oswald: So did I.

Oona: Yeah.

Me: Ok, dare done!

A/n: Hope you guys liked this dare! I know it was kinda long lol, but it was rly fun to write! Thx Blehfan105 for requesting this! Hope you like it!

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