dare 242

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Me: Ok, here's a dare for the agents to play the Nintendo video game, super smash bros!

Otto: Awesome! I love that game!

Olive: I love that game too!

Me: Olive? You play video games?

Olive: Not really, but ever since I had to rescue Otto from that video game, Otto has been teaching me a thing or two about video games.   And super smash bros is currently our favorite.

Me: Oh, cool! Then let the video games begin!

Orchid: *Walks into the room* Did someone say video games?

Ohlm: *Walks into the room* Did someone say "the"?

Orchid: *Looks at him weird*

Ohlm: What? I thought we were just naming words....

Orchid: Anyway.... I'm the queen of video games you guys, so I'm definitely going to win this.

Ohlm: Yeah, she's the queen of video games. I mean, she's the queen of a lot of things. *Mumbles* Like my heart....

Orchid: *Blushes* What did you say?

Ohlm: *Blushes* What? Nothing.

Oona: Ok, well let's get started with the game.

*They all start playing the video game on a large flat screen tv that Oprah set up in headquarters for them*

Olympia: Wow, Otis, you're really good at this game! I'm impressed.

Otis: Thanks. I actually don't really know what I'm doing though. And I'm confused about the names of these characters too. Like, what the heck is a 'Yoshi'?

Olympia: It's that green dinosaur thing. *Points to the screen* You know, the character that you're playing as....

Otis: Oh. I meant to play as Luigi. But I clicked this one by mistake. Like I said, I don't know what I'm doing. *Chuckles*

Olympia: *Laughs*

*After the game*

Otto: That was so fun!

Orchid: Yeah, especially because I wonnnn!

Olive: Didn't Ohlm win one of those times?

Orchid: He got lucky. He was just clicking all the buttons at the same time.

Ohlm: Hey, it worked though, didn't it?

Orchid: It wasn't fair. You were making me mess up.

Ohlm: How?

Orchid: You made me nervous with how annoying and cute you are.

Ohlm: Well, I- wait, did you say you think I'm cute?

Orchid: *Blushes* Um, I- maybe....

Ohlm: Thanks. You're cute too.

Orchid: Thank you, I know.

Ohlm: *Smiles*

Orchid: And apparently I'm the queen of your heart too.

Ohlm: *Blushes* Huh? Y-you heard me say that earlier?

Orchid: Oh yeah. But it's ok, Sherman. It was kind of sweet. *Kisses him on the cheek*

Ohlm: *Blushes*

Orchid: Now, are we gonna keep standing here talking, or are we going to go get ice cream.

Ohlm: Hehe ice cream.

Orchid: Good choice.

Oona: We want ice cream too!

Oscar: Yeah!

Oprah: Ice cream for everyone!

Everyone: Yay!

Olive: This dare turned out really fun!

Otto: Yeah!

A/n: Hope you guys liked this dare! Thx InvincibleRacoon  for requesting this! Hope you like it!!

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