dare 203

120 2 4

Me: Ok, here's a dare for all of you agents to follow Oliver all day, but secretly!

Orchid: Ooh, are we going to prank him?

Me: Um, no.... just follow him to see what he does all day.

Orchid: Ok, I guess that's good enough.

Everyone: *Laughs*

Olive: Ok, but let's make sure when we do this, we have a plan in case he sees us somehow. Let's make sure we act cool.

Otto: I can do that. And if he sees us we'll just say we're all out for a walk.

Oona: Or that we're all out on a mission.

Olive: Great thinking you guys. Ok, are we all ready then?

Everyone: Ready!

Olive: Let's go!

*They secretly follow Oliver as he walks in the park*

Opal: *Whispers* What do you think he's doing?

Omar: *Whispers back* Maybe he's just taking a normal walk in the park?

Opal: Hmmm.... Maybe. Wait, look. *Sees O'Angel and Olivia's parents walking up to Oliver.*

Oliver: Hi, O'Angel and Olivia's mom and dad. So, you wanted to talk to me about the vfd project?

O'Angel and Olivia's dad: Yes. You didn't tell O'Angel or Olivia that you were coming here, right?

Oliver: Nope. I kept it a secret like you said.

O'Angel and Olivia's mom: Great. Thank you. Now follow us and you can help us complete the project.

*Oliver and O'Angel and Olivia's mom and dad start to walk off*

O'Angel: Wait, what?! Oliver is in the vfd too?

Olivia: And what is all this about a secret vfd project? Mom and dad never told us about a secret project. And why would they want to keep it a secret from us?

Ohana: Only one thing to do to find out. Let's follow them.

*They secretly follow Oliver to a secret location in the park and see Oliver and O'Angel and Olivia's mom and dad getting some packages out of a truck.*

O'Angel and Olivia's mom: O'Angel and Olivia think that they know everything about the vfd, there's something they don't know.

O'Angel and Olivia's dad: And no one else at odd squad can know about this either.

Oliver: Ok, I will not tell them.

Olive: *Whispers* What are they talking about? And why can't odd squad know about it?

Olympia: What if they're secretly causing odd?

Orla: I- I do not think that Oliver would do such a thing.

Opal: Then why are they keeping it such a secret?

*They hear O'Angel and Olivia's mom and dad say that they are planning to secretly take the packages to ood squad.*

Opal: Ok, they're definitely planning something odd. We have to stop them!

*All the agents jump out of their hiding places*

Olympia: Odd Squad, Odd Squad! Stop right there!

Olive: Yeah!

A/n: Hope you guys liked this dare! There will be a part 2 to this! Hope you like it!!

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