dare 273

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Me: Ok, here's a dare for Otto and Olympia to take Olive and Otis into that secret room over there.

Otto: Ooh, what's in the secret room?

Me: Um, well we can't tell Olive and Otis yet, but it's a room with pies and ducks in it. You have to blindfold them and take them in there and then they can take the blindfolds off. And they have to be in there for an hour.

Olympia: What? But Otis is scared of ducks.

Otto: And Olive is scared of pie.

Me: Well, yeah but that's why they won't know there are ducks and pie in there at first. And don't worry, the ducks are really cute and the pie is delicious.

Otis: *Walks up to them* There's no such thing as a cute duck. What are you guys talking about anyway?

Olive: Yeah, and did you say pie? Because I want nothing to do with that.

Me: Um we're just talking about a dare.

Otto: Yeah, you two have to go into that secret room over there. Here, put these on. *Puts the blindfolds on them*

Olive: Oh, what's in the secret room?

Olympia: We're actually aren't allowed to tell you yet.

Otis: Hmmm....

Otto: Anyway, come on.

*They get Olive and Otis into the secret room*

Olympia: Ok, guys you can take off the blindfolds now!

Otto: Yeah! We'll be out here. And oh yeah, you have to stay in there for an hour.

*Otto and Olympia close the door to the room do now it's just Olive and Otis in there.*

*Olive and Otis take off the blindfolds and look around.*

Olive: I wonder what's the point of this dare. *Notices the pies* Ahhh! What are those things doing here?

Otis: *Notices the ducks* Ahhh! What are those doing here?

Olive: We have to stay in here for an hour?! No, no way. There's no way.

Otis: What kind of dare is this?

Olive: W-what are we gonna do?

Otis: Um, maybe there's a gadget that can help us out. *He finds the invisible-inator in his jacket pocket and uses it to make the pies invisible.* See, now you at least don't have to look at the pies. Just pretend they aren't there.

Olive: Ok. Thanks, Otis. And hey, I have an idea, we can use the bubble-inator to make a large bubble for us to hide inside. That way we won't be close to the ducks. *Uses the bubble-inator to hide them in a giant bubble.*

Otis: Ok, this is better. At least we're safe from those creatures.... Thanks, Olive.

Olive: No problem. Now let's just watch a video on our watches to distract ourselves for an hour.

Otis: Ok, good thinking.

*After an hour*

*Otto and Olympia open the door.*

Otto: Ok, guys, you can come on out now!

Olympia: Yeah, you did it! *Sees that they're in a giant bubble and the pies are invisible.* Where did the pies go?

Olive: Long story. *She pops the bubble and she and Otis are back on solid ground*

*Otis turns the pies back visible and then he, Olympia, Otto, and Olive all leave the room.*

Olive: We did it.

Olympia: Yay! Good job you guys!

Otto: Yeah, good job.

Otis: Thanks, guys.

Olympia: You're welcome.

Me: Ok, dare done!

A/n: Hope you guys like this dare! Thx Nina-hxn  for requesting this! Hope you like it!!

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